From: foehner on

I have a plot where the x-axis does not reflect the chosen time period:

The start_date is e.g. datenum 2009,8,14 and the end_date is 2009,8,19

B = find(sdate_b >= start_date & sdate_b <= end_date);

gives me the index for value b which is multiplied thereafter with another station (i plot the hydrostatic differences in a valley per day and station).

sdatelim = [start_date end_date];
sdaterange = sdatelim(1):sdatelim(2);

for i = 1:length(sdaterange)

j = find(sdate_b >= sdaterange(i) & sdate_b < sdaterange(i)+1);

diffb(i) = abs(max(dz_b(j))-min(dz_b(j)));

Here I calculate the daily absolute values of dz (= diffb) of b

The I plot this and six other values and the figure looks as follows:


The start day (14. august) is on the y axis and the end_date (19. august) is set to zero.

My question is: what/where do I have to change to obtain also the start and end_date within the graph?

Thanks very much (i'm a matlab greenhorn),

From: dpb on
foehner wrote:

> My question is: what/where do I have to change to obtain also
> the start and end_date within the graph?


doc datetick

I think will get you where you want to go...
