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From: John Roberts on 12 Mar 2010 19:59 I've just started using the dataset type from the Statistics toolbox, and I've found it quite useful. I'm having some problems though with some basic manipulation. As an example, snames = nominal({'setosa';'versicolor';'virginica'}); CC = dataset({snames,'species'},{[38;108;70],'cc'}) 1) How can I convert chosen elements of the dataset to a string/cell? Let's say I want to take CC(1,1) and do some string manipulations and put it back in? This would be the equivalent of single/double dataset methods but applicable to strings. 2) How can I print out a data set to a file? I'm used to writing out using fopen and fprintf, but the function is not defined for dataset inputs. What's the preferred method for doing this? Thanks, John
From: Peter Perkins on 15 Mar 2010 08:25 On 3/12/2010 7:59 PM, John Roberts wrote: > 1) How can I convert chosen elements of the dataset to a string/cell? > Let's say I want to take CC(1,1) and do some string manipulations and > put it back in? This would be the equivalent of single/double dataset > methods but applicable to strings. The species variable in CC is a nominal vector, so I'm not sure what sort of string operations you want to do. But in general, if you want to work on the "raw" data in a dataset array, you want to use "dot variable" subscripting, something like this: >> snames = nominal({'setosa';'versicolor';'virginica'}); >> CC = dataset({snames,'species'},{[38;108;70],'cc'}) CC = species cc setosa 38 versicolor 108 virginica 70 >> CC.species(1) ans = setosa >> CC.species(1) = 'versicolor' CC = species cc versicolor 38 versicolor 108 virginica 70 CC(1,1), on the other hand, is a 1x1 dataset array, with one variable (species) and only one observation: >> CC(1,1) ans = species setosa Parenthesis subscripting is usually most useful for getting at rectangular (or "plaid") subarrays, rather than getting at individual values or variables. > 2) How can I print out a data set to a file? I'm used to writing out > using fopen and fprintf, but the function is not defined for dataset > inputs. What's the preferred method for doing this? Probably you want to use the EXPORT method: >> export(CC,'File','CC.dat','Delimiter',',') >> type CC.dat species,cc setosa,38 versicolor,108 virginica,70 You can use other delimiters (default is tab), and also write to an Excel file. Hope this helps.
From: John Roberts on 15 Mar 2010 15:37 Perfect. Thanks for your help.
From: John Roberts on 15 Mar 2010 15:44 Actually, is there a way to get export to append to a file instead of overwriting? Is there another way to write out data where I still have control of the file?
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