From: enviro on
Dear All;
Please see input and output(what I wish to get).Please
see also what I tried so far. But thers seems to be a problem. Could someone please help me?
Thanks in advance

[m,~] = size(input);
output=datenum(input(:,1),'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS');
for i=1:m;
for j=i+1;
if output(j,1)<output(i,1);
output(j,1)=datenum(input(j,1),'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS');
output2 = datestr(output,'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS');

'30/11/2006 06:00:00'
'30/11/2006 07:00:00'
'30/11/2006 08:00:00'
'30/11/2006 09:00:00'
'30/11/2006 10:00:00'
'30/11/2006 11:00:00'
'12/01/2006 00:00:00'
'12/01/2006 01:00:00'
'12/01/2006 02:00:00'
'12/01/2006 03:00:00'
'12/01/2006 04:00:00'
'12/01/2006 05:00:00'
'12/01/2006 06:00:00'
'12/01/2006 07:00:00'
'12/01/2006 08:00:00'
'12/01/2006 09:00:00'
'12/01/2006 10:00:00'
'12/01/2006 11:00:00'};

'30/11/2006 06:00:00'
'30/11/2006 07:00:00'
'30/11/2006 08:00:00'
'30/11/2006 09:00:00'
'30/11/2006 10:00:00'
'30/11/2006 11:00:00'
'01/12/2006 00:00:00'
'01/12/2006 12:00:00'
'01/12/2006 02:00:00'
'01/12/2006 03:00:00'
'01/12/2006 04:00:00'
'01/12/2006 05:00:00'
'01/12/2006 06:00:00'
'01/12/2006 07:00:00'
'01/12/2006 08:00:00'
'01/12/2006 09:00:00'
'01/12/2006 10:00:00'
'01/12/2006 11:00:00'};
From: enviro on
Any suggestions?
From: ade77 on
enviro <farhadnejadkoorki(a)> wrote in message <809613694.382032.1268645232157.JavaMail.root(a)>...
> Any suggestions?


Can you just post the input and expected output(the correct output you want) of your problem, and forget about your code for a moment. it is confusing what you are doing.

It seems the your data is changing from UK regional time to US regional time which is common with some logger programs.
From: ade77 on

> Please see input and output(what I wish to get).Please
> input={
> '30/11/2006 06:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 07:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 08:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 09:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 10:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 11:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 00:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 01:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 02:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 03:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 04:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 05:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 06:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 07:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 08:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 09:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 10:00:00'
> '12/01/2006 11:00:00'};
> output={
> '30/11/2006 06:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 07:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 08:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 09:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 10:00:00'
> '30/11/2006 11:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 00:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 12:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 02:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 03:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 04:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 05:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 06:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 07:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 08:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 09:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 10:00:00'
> '01/12/2006 11:00:00'};

my mistake, I see you already post the input and expected output. Can you explain the logic here:

'12/01/2006 00:00:00'
'12/01/2006 01:00:00'
'12/01/2006 02:00:00'
'12/01/2006 03:00:00'

'01/12/2006 00:00:00'
'01/12/2006 12:00:00'
'01/12/2006 02:00:00'
'01/12/2006 03:00:00'

obviously,the months and days are switched, but how about the hour, minute and day, what is the relationship?
input{'12/01/2006 01:00:00'} and output{'01/12/2006 12:00:00'} is the only discrepancy I can not figure out.
From: enviro on
hour, minute, seconds are constant. But the month and day have beed replaced for instance from row 7 and I want to maket them identical to rows 1 to 7. Please see input and the output I wish to get.

'30/11/2006 18:00:00'
'30/11/2006 19:00:00'
'30/11/2006 20:00:00'
'30/11/2006 21:00:00'
'30/11/2006 22:00:00'
'30/11/2006 23:00:00'
'12/01/2006 00:00:00'
'12/01/2006 01:00:00'
'12/01/2006 02:00:00'
'12/01/2006 03:00:00'
'12/01/2006 04:00:00'
'12/01/2006 05:00:00'
'12/01/2006 06:00:00'
'12/01/2006 07:00:00'
'12/01/2006 08:00:00'
'12/01/2006 09:00:00'
'12/01/2006 10:00:00'
'12/01/2006 11:00:00'

'30/11/2006 18:00:00'
'30/11/2006 19:00:00'
'30/11/2006 20:00:00'
'30/11/2006 21:00:00'
'30/11/2006 22:00:00'
'30/11/2006 23:00:00'
'01/12/2006 00:00:00'
'01/12/2006 01:00:00'
'01/12/2006 02:00:00'
'01/12/2006 03:00:00'
'01/12/2006 04:00:00'
'01/12/2006 05:00:00'
'01/12/2006 06:00:00'
'01/12/2006 07:00:00'
'01/12/2006 08:00:00'
'01/12/2006 09:00:00'
'01/12/2006 10:00:00'
'01/12/2006 11:00:00'