From: Knokmans on

I have a 4-processor unix machine running DB2 v9
After installion i activated the license using db2licm -a db2ese_c.lic
The output of db2licm -l is as follow (see below)

My question is about the line starting with Annotation:
I know _c means i activated a CPU license
But what is the meaning of -3 ???

TIA, Knokmans

/opt/IBM/db2/V9.1/adm> db2licm -l
Product name: "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
License type: "CPU"
Expiry date: "Permanent"
Product identifier: "db2ese"
Version information: "9.1"
Annotation: "-3;(_c)"
DB2 Database Partitioning: "Not licensed"
DB2 Performance Optimization ESE: "Not licensed"
DB2 Storage Optimization: "Not licensed"
DB2 Advanced Access Control: "Not licensed"
DB2 Geodetic Data Management: "Not licensed"
Homogeneous Federation for DB2: "Not licensed"
DB2 Pure XML ESE: "Not licensed"