From: Archimedes Plutonium on

Went to look up if Julia Knight is still around, for I know that
Chandler Davis is very old
and probably not able to offer a Euclid Infinitude of Primes proof,
indirect method.

But Julia is from my alma mater also, of Utah State University. And I
kind of hoped that
all graduates of Utah State University were "open minded".

But rather than Julia Knight publishing Archimedes Plutonium in 1993
in Journal of Logic or Chandler Davis citing my work in Mathematical
Intelligencer of the Euclid IP in the Fall 2009.

Instead of them publishing Archimedes Plutonium, well, I have
published Julia Knight and Chandler Davis. Long after all the journals
and publications of old are destroyed or gone extinct, in milleniums
of the future, everyone in the future will be able to electronically
pull up every post ever made by Archimedes Plutonium while I lived.

In other words, most people in science are not cognizant of the fact
that peer review publication has gone the way of the dinosaur. And
good riddance as Bill Dubuque recalls how his Wronskian was stolen
from him by publication, save for the fact that Bill published
electronically and will always take priority.

Alot of people cry and wale that peer review journalism is going
extinct. We should celebrate that it is going extinct because peer
review journalism does not serve science well enough. There are too
many gatekeepers in peer review journalism that thwarts and steals the
work of

We have entered a new era of science publication, where we eliminated
the middleman gatekeepers.

So, not only has Archimedes Plutonium published the world's first
proof of Infinitude of Twin Primes but has also published the fact
that neither Julia Knight nor Chandler Davis could do a valid Euclid
Infinitude of Primes proof by contradiction (indirect method). Because
if Julia or
Chandler could do a valid Indirect Euclid IP, they would be able in an
instant to do a valid Infinitude of Twin Primes proof.

So there, Julia or Chandler, you have been published, and the future
millenium readers of 2,000, or 20,000 or 2,000,000 years in the future
if humanity is still around will be able to read
about how Julia and Chandler were unable to do a valid Euclid IP
indirect and thus unable to prove infinitude of twin primes.

The internet newsgroups of sci.math, sci.physics, sci whatever have
surpassed and exceeded all other forms of publication, especially the
decayed peer review.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies