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From: Rick Sivernell on 17 Jun 2006 08:40 List I have a major problem, I have code that was originally created in Linux and uses stl and wxWidgets together. Works very nice on 32/64 systems. When I take the code to Win XP Pro, using MSDEV 2005 express, it fails apart. I have rewritten it using the #ifdef __WXMSW__ and have it working except for one final problem, __declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall wxString::operator wchar_t const *(void)const " (__imp_?? BwxString@@QBEPB_WXZ), compiles with no warning and no errors but on link it fails. If I remove l_IT[l_iIndex] which in this method is from typedef m_vwxDataStrings m_wxIT; and has wxString data. I have tried everything and all get back to wxChar or wxCharBuffer and then fails. In IMHO MS has screwed this STL system in their normal way. I do not understand this use of typedef ing: typedef vector<string> m_vDataStrings; typedef vector<wxString> m_vwxDataStrings; typedef m_vDataStrings m_IT; typedef m_vwxDataStrings m_wxIT; My code is in a shared lib in Linux and a shared dll in MS. How do I fix this, recompile wxWidgets and add WXxxxxxx declaration on all classes? **************** Code sample and link errors ********************** Registry.h: class CRegistry { public: CRegistry(); .... bool OnWriteData( vector<wxString> p_vszData); private: #ifdef __WXMSW__ typedef vector<string> m_vDataStrings; typedef vector<wxString> m_vwxDataStrings; typedef m_vDataStrings m_IT; typedef m_vwxDataStrings m_wxIT; #else vector<string> m_vDataStrings; #endif }; Registry.cpp: bool CRegistry::OnWriteData( vector<wxString> p_vszData) /* Go to the end of the file & append data there, from the beginning to the end of the vector of strings */ { fstream l_StringOut(m_szFileName.c_str()); wxString l_szData; int l_iIndex = 0; #ifdef __WXMSW__ m_wxIT::iterator l_IT; m_vwxDataStrings l_vszData = p_vszData; size_t l_iDataIndex = 0; if( { cout << "CRegistry::OnWriteData : failed to open " << m_szFileName << " for writing. Returning false" << endl; return false; } l_StringOut.seekg(0,ios::end); // move to the end of file for(l_IT = l_vszData.begin(); l_IT != l_vszData.end(); l_IT++, l_iIndex++) { l_StringOut << /*l_IT[l_iIndex] <<*/ ("\n"); ######## doe not like l_IT[l_ iIndex]} l_StringOut << ("\n\n"); l_StringOut.seekg(0,ios::end); // move to the end of file l_szData .Empty( ); for(l_IT = l_vszData.begin(); l_IT != l_vszData.end(); l_IT++,l_iIndex++) { if( (l_iIndex) ) { l_StringOut << ('[') << l_IT[l_iIndex] << (']') << ("\n\n\n"); ##### } } l_StringOut << ("\n\n"); l_StringOut.close(); #else vector<wxString>::iterator l_IT; if( { cout << "CRegistry::OnWriteData : failed to open " << m_szFileName << " for writing. Returning false" << endl; return false; } l_StringOut.seekg(0,ios::end); // move to the end of file for(l_IT = p_vszData.begin(); l_IT != p_vszData.end(); l_IT++) { l_szData = l_IT->c_str(); l_StringOut.write(l_szData.c_str(),l_szData.length()); l_StringOut.write("\n",strlen("\n")); } l_StringOut.write("\n\n",strlen("\n\n")); l_StringOut.seekg(0,ios::end); // move to the end of file l_szData .Empty( ); for(l_IT = p_vszData.begin(); l_IT != p_vszData.end(); l_IT++,l_iIndex++) { if( (l_iIndex) ) { l_szData = wxT('['); l_szData += l_IT->c_str(); l_szData += wxT(']'); l_StringOut.write(l_szData.c_str(),l_szData.length()); l_StringOut.write("\n\n\n",strlen("\n\n\n")); } } l_StringOut.write("\n\n",strlen("\n\n")); l_StringOut.close(); #endif return true; } Compile & Link: Generating Code... Compiling resources... Compiling manifest to resources... Linking... Creating library Debug/Registry.lib and object Debug/Registry.exp Registry.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall wxString::operator wchar_t const *(void)const " (__imp_?? BwxString@@QBEPB_WXZ) referenced in function "public: bool __thiscall CRegistry::OnWriteData(class std::vector<class wxString,class std::allocator<class wxString> > &)" (?OnWriteData(a)CRegistry@@QAE_NAAV? $vector(a)VwxString@@V?$allocator(a)VwxString@@@std@@@std@@@Z) Debug/Registry.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Build log was saved at "file://f:\D&R \C++\src\ConMan\Registry\Debug\BuildLog.htm" Registry - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) ========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ========== -- Rick Sivernell Dallas, Texas 75287 972 306-2296 ricksivernell(a) Registered Linux User --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: wx-users-unsubscribe(a) For additional commands, e-mail: wx-users-help(a) |