From: Archimedes Plutonium on
Ah! before I get too excited and ambitious, I should remember that
Algebra fizzles out at
only 10% of all the numbers that exist. So to determine whether
9999....9997 and
9999....99989 are primes or composites, I should remember that we no
longer have
trustworthy multiplication and thus, no longer a trustworthy

Still, it is fun to speculate and to poke curiosity at infinity.

Question, I think they have found the 10^22 digit of "pi and e". I
suppose with all the
human computer power, it is impossible to ever gain the 10^500 digits
of "pi and e".

So the specialness of "pi and e" still remains as the idea that these
numbers are growing
and not fixed numbers such as 1.5 or 0.3333.... or the sqrt 2.

Archimedes Plutonium
whole entire Universe is just one big atom
where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies