From: Robert hill on
The dlmread function seems to keep only four digits after the decimal from my file. The help file mentions how to set the precision on the dlmwrite, but what to do about dlmread? For example 0.090001184 gets rounded to 0.0090.

Since this is my time stamp for my data, it is a big problem to lose the extra precision, when the next time stamp is digits below the rounding that occurs. Will I also need to set the precision when using FFT?
From: Oleg Komarov on
"Robert hill" <eldorado(a)> wrote in message <hm9iu2$b9n$1(a)>...
> The dlmread function seems to keep only four digits after the decimal from my file. The help file mentions how to set the precision on the dlmwrite, but what to do about dlmread? For example 0.090001184 gets rounded to 0.0090.
> Since this is my time stamp for my data, it is a big problem to lose the extra precision, when the next time stamp is digits below the rounding that occurs. Will I also need to set the precision when using FFT?

format long g

then print to screen your imported variable.

From: Ashish Uthama on
On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 17:45:22 -0500, Robert hill <eldorado(a)>

> The dlmread function seems to keep only four digits after the decimal
> from my file. The help file mentions how to set the precision on the
> dlmwrite, but what to do about dlmread? For example 0.090001184 gets
> rounded to 0.0090. Since this is my time stamp for my data, it is a big
> problem to lose the extra precision, when the next time stamp is digits
> below the rounding that occurs. Will I also need to set the precision
> when using FFT?

It is probably only _displaying_ 4 digits.
Look at the help for 'format'