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From: d c on 12 Aug 2010 13:54 Is there a quick way to dumping a collection of variables to a structure, using the variable names as the structure fields? The "load" function basically does this somehow? Sorry if this has been answered, I'm just finding a solution quickly. i.e. clear a = 'adsf' b = rand(10); x = var2struct(a,b) x.a x.b Also, what about the reverse? Dumping a.* variables to the current scope? clear x.a='asdf' x.b=rand(10); dumpstruct(x) a b
From: d c on 12 Aug 2010 14:01 .... and I don't think can do this, unless I don't understand all the features of that function.
From: Matt J on 12 Aug 2010 14:34 "d c" <myspamcatcher07(a)> wrote in message <i41cft$1k5$1(a)>... > Also, what about the reverse? Dumping a.* variables to the current scope? > clear > x.a='asdf' > x.b=rand(10); > dumpstruct(x) > a > b ================ See this FEX tool: > a = 'adsf' > b = rand(10); > > x = var2struct(a,b) > > x.a > x.b ====================== It's unlikely that you'd benefit from a tool like this. You'll expend just as many keystrokes by typing x.a='adsf' x.b=rand(10);
From: Matt J on 12 Aug 2010 14:43 > > a = 'adsf' > > b = rand(10); > > > > x = var2struct(a,b) > > > > x.a > > x.b > ====================== > > It's unlikely that you'd benefit from a tool like this. You'll expend just as many keystrokes by typing > > x.a='adsf' > x.b=rand(10); ==================== Although, here's a possible implementation: function x=var2struct(varargin) for ii=1:length(varargin) x.(inputname(varargin{ii}))=varargin{ii}; end
From: Matt Fig on 12 Aug 2010 14:46
You could use load, but you mention this and seem unhappy with this option. If you want to write your own functions, you could do: function [] = struct2var(M) F = fieldnames(M) for ii = 1:length(F) assignin('caller',F{ii},M.(F{ii})); end and for the reverse op: function [M] = var2struct(varargin) for ii = 1:length(varargin) M.(inputname(ii)) = varargin{ii}; end Note that there may be some typo's in the above as I did not test them but they should get you there. |