From: Aineog on
An email I am tracking for voting responses seems to be tracking some
recipients in duplicate. At first I thought that responses weren't being
tracked... so I followed the advice given here and kept the responses in my
inbox etc. but then noticed that they are tracked but becasue their names are
on the list twice, their response was further up or down the list!

Of the 45 recipients of the eamil, 5 people are on the tracking list only
once, and the rest are on it in duplicate.
I have asked other users of voting buttons in my office and they do not have
the same problem with voting button emails. Is there something unusual about
my exchage set up?

Any help you have would be greatly appreacited as we use these emails for
proof of refresher training. So having to explain the names on the list with
apparetly no resposne beside them to an auditor is a pain :-)