From: fiza on
I need to build a form that will take in string value from dropdowns
and textbox for search_text

I know this is possible using expression trees, but somehow cant form
the statements. Please help
Here's what I have so far:

private static List<T> GetSortedData<T>( string sortColumnName)

var type = typeof(T);
var property = type.GetProperty(sortColumnName);
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "p");
var propertyAccess =
Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);
var orderByExp = Expression.Lambda(propertyAccess,

MethodCallExpression resultExp =
Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "OrderBy", new Type[] { type,
property.PropertyType }, WHAT_SHOULD_BE_HERE,

From: Peter Duniho on
fiza wrote:
> I need to build a form that will take in string value from dropdowns
> for:
> sort_colum_name,
> search_column_name,
> table_name
> and textbox for search_text
> I know this is possible using expression trees, but somehow cant form
> the statements. Please help [...]

Why do you want to use expression trees? Why not just write a LINQ
expression that incorporates the values from your dropdowns as
appropriate for the operation (search or sort)?

From: fiza on

> Why do you want to use expression trees?  Why not just write LINQ
The form shall draw data from many tables. I want to avoid writing the
sort and search for every field for each of the tables. This is why I
want to use Expression trees. I want to build the query dynamically