From: dancefest on 28 Dec 2009 15:23 Is it possible to edit a photo into a video clip and keep the sound from the clip in tact? -- Shea
From: John Inzer on 28 Dec 2009 17:08 dancefest wrote: > Is it possible to edit a photo into a video clip and keep the sound > from the clip in tact? ================================= The following info should answer your question: === Info from PapaJohn: use a second copy of the video clip with the talking head's audio... drag it to the audio/music track and Movie Maker will use it just for the audio. that leaves you free to carve up the video track as you want... drop a section and insert your picture.... don't mute the audio associated with the video clip until the end of the project... as you can use the wave patterns of both audio tracks to easily keep things in sync. === MORE... === A method to accomplish this was previously posted by a contributor named Ralphy. I think it is worth a try..... Split your video clip on each side of the area where the stills will be. Now...drag the cut portion to the Audio/Music track. BTW...If you wish to add a 5 second still... remove 5 seconds of the video clip. (info below on splitting if you need it) Drag your still shots to the time line and drop them in the location where you removed the video. The Audio clip on the Audio/Music track can be dragged right or left to adjust it's position. More info on splitting.... "Splitting A Clip In MM2.1" Drag the video/audio clip to the Timeline. Play the video/audio by clicking the "Play" button under the view screen. You will see the Playback Indicator (vertical line) advancing across the timeline. Click the "Pause" button at the point where you wish to trim and type... Ctrl+L or click the "Split" button at the bottom of the view screen. (you can also make adjustments by dragging the Playback Indicator) Make as many splits as you want and remove the unwanted clips by right click / delete. And...Movie Maker 2.1 only displays every other frame. In order to see all frames, the following info from PapaJohn may be useful: === Movie Maker 2 shows you every-other-frame when doing project editing. MM1 and Movie Maker in Vista show you each frame. It's usually not a problem when skipping over the in-between frames, but sometimes you notice a flickering frame in a clip that is a 'stray', and you can't see or cut it out. If you apply the Slow - Down - Half video effect to a clip in the timeline, you are then seeing each frame rather than every other one. You can see the problem frame and split it out. Then remove the effect from the clip to return it to normal. -- J. Inzer MS-MVP Digital Media Experience Notice This is not tech support I am a volunteer Solutions that work for me may not work for you Proceed at your own risk
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