From: Martin on
Hi all,

I've decided to try out MATLAB's C-code generating capabilities mainly with the intention of speeding up a slow simulation. I've been unsuccessfully trying to generate C-code for a whole day, however (the documentation on this is horrendously confusing). I've also watched some of the recorded webinars here. In one of them, the presenter showed how to deal with variable-size data by using emlcoder.egs. However, when I tried to replicate his steps I got the following: ??? Undefined variable "emlcoder" or class "emlcoder.egs".

I looked for it but couldn't find egs under emlcoder. Is this supported by MATLAB 7.7.0 at all? How to deal with variables which require dynamic memory then?

I think I might as well write the whole thing in C myself rather than spend any more time being frustrated by MATLAB's incomplete documentation. Thanks for any inputs.

From: Michael Hosea on

"Martin " <martin_anastasov(a)> wrote in message
> I looked for it but couldn't find egs under emlcoder. Is this supported by
> MATLAB 7.7.0 at all? How to deal with variables which require dynamic
> memory then?

No, it is not supported R2008b. Variable sizing support was added in
R2009b. Even in R2009b it is bounded, fixed allocation, not truly dynamic.
The limitations may seem strange, but Embedded MATLAB was originally
conceived for generating code from MATLAB language for embedded devices,
which in many contexts do not support (or cannot use by decree) dynamic
memory allocation. Obviously the mission has expanded, so this is a very
active area of development.

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