From: sweety on
how to enhance the contrast of image using wavelet. plz tell me the code
From: sweety on
i have a 100*100 image and take a block of 20*20. i tell this u by my code
then tell me how i can calculate number of edge pixel
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Mar 28, 1:34 am, "sweety " <sukhisem...(a)> wrote:
> i have a 100*100 image and take a block of 20*20. i tell this u by my code
> a=imread('');
> a=rgb2gray(a);
> a=imresize(a,[100,100]);
> b=a(1:20,1:20);
> e=edge(b,'sobel');
> then tell me how i can calculate number of edge pixel

numberOfEdgePixels = sum(sum(e));

P.S. You really should use more descriptive variable names - you'll
appreciate that once you get longer and more sophisticated programs as
it will help you understand and maintain your code later. But it's a
good habit to get into now.
From: sweety on
how to enhance the contrast of same 600*600 image using wavelet. plz tell me the code
From: sweety on
how to divide the image into 20*20 block
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