From: Alessandro on

I guess this is fairly simple to answer, but I've almost thrown the
keyboard against the wall after struggling with it - so bear with

I need to produce an article-quality plot of some sets of data, so I
prefer to choose the color/symbols used.
Therefore, instead of the usual PlotMarkers -> Automatic, I tried to
use something along the lines of PlotMarkers -> {"a","b","c","d"}
where "a" etc. stand for a copy/paste from the help system of the
special characters under:ShapesIconsAndRelatedCharacters.

I tried the backslash notation. I tried using doublequotes and not
using them.

What I obtained is a wild variety of plots, not one of them correct.
And I did not even try yet to change the symbols colors!
Surely such a basic feature should be easier to obtain - so how do you
fine-tunes your data plots???

thank you!


From: Yasvir Tesiram, PhD on
Oh also, following from my earlier post, you probably want to just use
the palettes for inserting symbols and the like.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alessandro [mailto:alexxx.magni(a)]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 5:47 AM
Subject: enter specific symbols for ListPlot usage

I guess this is fairly simple to answer, but I've almost thrown the
keyboard against the wall after struggling with it - so bear with

I need to produce an article-quality plot of some sets of data, so I
prefer to choose the color/symbols used.
Therefore, instead of the usual PlotMarkers -> Automatic, I tried to
use something along the lines of PlotMarkers -> {"a","b","c","d"}
where "a" etc. stand for a copy/paste from the help system of the
special characters under:ShapesIconsAndRelatedCharacters.

I tried the backslash notation. I tried using doublequotes and not
using them.

What I obtained is a wild variety of plots, not one of them correct.
And I did not even try yet to change the symbols colors!
Surely such a basic feature should be easier to obtain - so how do you
fine-tunes your data plots???

thank you!


From: Patrick Scheibe on

have you tried to use the palette "Special Characters"?
I used double quotes and clicked on the symbol buttons in the palette.
Everything is fine.

ListPlot[{{1, 2, 3, 5, 8}, {2, 3, 6, 9, 10}, {4, 5, 7, 10, 12}},
PlotMarkers -> {"\[EmptySet]", "\[Wolf]", "\[WatchIcon]"}]

Alternatively you can input them exactly like the above code shows.


On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 06:46 -0400, Alessandro wrote:
> I guess this is fairly simple to answer, but I've almost thrown the
> keyboard against the wall after struggling with it - so bear with
> me...
> I need to produce an article-quality plot of some sets of data, so I
> prefer to choose the color/symbols used.
> Therefore, instead of the usual PlotMarkers -> Automatic, I tried to
> use something along the lines of PlotMarkers -> {"a","b","c","d"}
> where "a" etc. stand for a copy/paste from the help system of the
> special characters under:ShapesIconsAndRelatedCharacters.
> I tried the backslash notation. I tried using doublequotes and not
> using them.
> What I obtained is a wild variety of plots, not one of them correct.
> And I did not even try yet to change the symbols colors!
> Surely such a basic feature should be easier to obtain - so how do you
> fine-tunes your data plots???
> thank you!
> alessandro

From: M.Roellig on

since you gove no example input it is a little difficult to guess
what you got. However, may you missed the follwing line from
the PlotMarkers Help page:

"With PlotMarkers->{Subscript[g, 1],\[Ellipsis],Subscript[g, n]} the
Subscript[g, i] are used cyclically for successive dataset lists. "

hence, giving PlotMarkers -> {"a","b","c","d"} asks Mathematica
to plot the first list of data points with the marker "a", any second
with "b" and so on. Probably you provided one list of
data points but wanted to mark each point differently. I also don't
understand why Mathematica is not automatically applying the different
markers to separate points of a list IF only a single list of data
points is
the input to ListPlot - seems to be the most practical approach to me.

As a workaround one has to split the single list of N points into N
lists of one

data = {{1, 4}, {2, 2}, {3, 6}, {4, 6}}
ListPlot[Partition[data, 1], PlotMarkers -> {"a", "b", "c", "d"},
PlotRange -> {{0, 5}, {0, 7}}]

You can wrap each new marker in Style[] to change size, color, font,


On 21 Mai, 12:46, Alessandro <> wrote:
> I guess this is fairly simple to answer, but I've almost thrown the
> keyboard against the wall after struggling with it - so bear with
> me...
> I need to produce an article-quality plot of some sets of data, so I
> prefer to choose the color/symbols used.
> Therefore, instead of the usual PlotMarkers -> Automatic, I tried to
> use something along the lines of PlotMarkers -> {"a","b","c","d"}
> where "a" etc. stand for a copy/paste from the help system of the
> special characters under:ShapesIconsAndRelatedCharacters.
> I tried the backslash notation. I tried using doublequotes and not
> using them.
> What I obtained is a wild variety of plots, not one of them correct.
> And I did not even try yet to change the symbols colors!
> Surely such a basic feature should be easier to obtain - so how do you
> fine-tunes your data plots???
> thank you!
> alessandro

From: Yasvir Tesiram, PhD on
Below is an example that you could use as a template. I agree, it's a
little cumbersome to type all these things, (you should see my keyboard
graveyard!). But ultimately, I think that there is great flexibility in
Mathematica plotting, once all the little things like Directives, Style,
are learnt.

d1 == Table[i, {i, 1, 10, 1.0}]
d2 == Table[20*Exp[i], {i, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0/9}]

ListPlot[{d1, d2}, PlotMarkers -> {Style["\!\(\*
StyleBox[\"\[FreakedSmiley]\",\nFontSize->18]\)", Bold], Style["\!\(\*
StyleBox[\"\[Euro]\",\nFontSize->18]\)", Black]}, Joined -> True,
PlotStyle -> {Directive[Blue], Directive[Yellow]},
GridLines -> Automatic,
GridLinesStyle -> Directive[Dashed],
FrameStyle -> {Directive[Green, 14, Bold],
Directive[Black, 14, Bold], Directive[Green, 14, Bold],
Directive[Blue, 14, Bold]},
PlotLabel ->
Text[Style["EURO VERSUS GREEK COFFEE", 20, FontFamily -> "Arial"]],
FrameLabel -> {Text[
Style["Post Recovery", Green, 18, FontFamily -> Symbol]],
Text[Style["Cost Value (\[Euro])", Bold, Black, 18]],
Text[Style["", Black, 18]],
Text[Style["Production Value", Blue, Bold, 18]]},
Epilog -> Inset[Column[
{Style["\[Euro] Cost", 20, Black],
Style["\[FreakedSmiley] Production", 20]}, Background -> White,
Frame -> True
], {8, 25}

Frame -> True,
Axes -> False,
ImageSize -> 500



-----Original Message-----
From: Alessandro [mailto:alexxx.magni(a)]
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 5:47 AM
Subject: enter specific symbols for ListPlot usage

I guess this is fairly simple to answer, but I've almost thrown the
keyboard against the wall after struggling with it - so bear with

I need to produce an article-quality plot of some sets of data, so I
prefer to choose the color/symbols used.
Therefore, instead of the usual PlotMarkers -> Automatic, I tried to
use something along the lines of PlotMarkers -> {"a","b","c","d"}
where "a" etc. stand for a copy/paste from the help system of the
special characters under:ShapesIconsAndRelatedCharacters.

I tried the backslash notation. I tried using doublequotes and not
using them.

What I obtained is a wild variety of plots, not one of them correct.
And I did not even try yet to change the symbols colors!
Surely such a basic feature should be easier to obtain - so how do you
fine-tunes your data plots???

thank you!
