From: fuaada on 23 Mar 2010 03:08 Hello, ....i am puzzled. My problem is to work out the parameter estimation of my model. I have 6 parameters. My objective function is too long to put in here. the aim is to get the minimum of the sum of square error SSE value. when i run using fminsearch algorithm, i got message 'increase the MaxFunEvals'. when i increase it using 'options', still got the same message and sometimes the system asking for 'increase MaxIter'. Is it okay if i just take the estimated value, eventhough the message still appear. I am also confused, why the SSE value change everytime we change the MaxFunEvals value?...can someone here explain what is actually happen when we run the fminsearch algorithm. Your response are greatly appreciated...please help me......... Fuaada
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