From: Félix Martin on
I have a voluminous display of scattered points(about 30000 points) and a (regression plane through it) in a .fig format that i would like to convert in order to insert it into my thesis (.docx format). I used the scatter funtion and the mesgrid function for the plane. Does anyone could help me please,
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Apr 30, 11:43 am, "Félix Martin" <felix-
antoine.mar...(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a voluminous display of scattered points(about 30000 points) and a (regression plane through it) in a .fig format that i would like to convert in order to insert it into my thesis (.docx format). I used the scatter funtion and the mesgrid function for the plane. Does anyone could help me please,
> Félix

Do you already have the figure looking the way that you want it - is
that's what is in your .fig format (I assume you stored it in a .fig
file for some reason). If so, you can export the figure using some of
Oliver Woodford's nice utilities, such as export_fig():
Then just read/import the file into your word processing application.

Or do you need help with the commands to produce a nice looking figure
in the first place?