From: budi husodo on
Hi everybody,

I just installed ezdsp R2812 and found that no R2812ezDSP in simulink's target preferences. I use matlab 2009b. Anybody can suggest me how I can using matlab to work on ezDSP R2812? Thanks in advance for your helps.
From: Frank W. on
> I just installed ezdsp R2812 and found that no R2812ezDSP in simulink's target preferences. I use matlab 2009b. Anybody can suggest me how I can using matlab to work on ezDSP R2812? Thanks in advance for your helps.
though not knowing this device but taking TI's 'Code and Pin compatible to F2811, F2811 and F2812' for granted ( I suggest you use the ezdspF2812 traget preference. If the memory layout of the R2812 is different you can change it manually in the preference block.