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From: Stefano pioli on 23 Apr 2010 17:31 I have a function that uses the PLOT to make a fast forward effect, it works correctly. I want this same function uses multiple columns of the same array, together with the plot and out of phase with y-axis, then all together to make the fast forward effect. This code will be part of a GUI, plotting on axes. I am attaching the code "one-dimensional" working and the not working. Thanks Stefano =============================OK============== x=rand(500); y=x(1:51); line=linspace(1,length(y)+1,length(y)); h=plot(line,y); grid off set(h,'EraseMode','xor','MarkerSize',18) for t=1:1:450 e=t+50; drawnow y=x(t:e); set(h,'YData',y) pause(0.05) if (str2num(get(handles.text1,'String'))==1) %<---exit set(handles.edit2,'String',num2str(e)); break end end ===========================NOT=OK============ x=rand(500,3); y=x(1:51,1); line=linspace(1,length(y)+1,length(y)); h=plot(line,y); grid off set(h,'EraseMode','xor','MarkerSize',18) for t=1:1:450 for i=1:3 e=t+50; drawnow y=x(t:e,i)+(2*i); set(h,'YData',y) pause(0.05) end if (str2num(get(handles.text1,'String'))==1) %<---exit set(handles.edit2,'String',num2str(e)); break end end
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