From: Bettaiyya on 27 May 2010 20:40 Hi all, Here is the code i wrote for feather plot with time series data (u and v) (wind data). When i get the graph after running this code the dates on the x axis is incorrect. %% Get Data [fn,pn] = uigetfile('*.data', 'Open the txt file to be read'); file=fullfile(pn,fn); count=1; fid3=fopen(fn,'rt'); %%second=0; while(~feof(fid3)) in1=fgetl(fid3); if(isequal(in1,'')) break; end date=sscanf(in1,'%s',1); set1 = find(date=='-',1,'first'); set2 = find(date=='-',1,'last'); day = str2double(date(1:set1-1)); month = date(set1+1:set2-1); if(month == 'Jan') month = 1; end if(month == 'Feb') month = 2; end if(month == 'Mar') month = 3; end if(month == 'Apr') month = 4; end if(month == 'May') month = 5; end if(month == 'Jun') month = 6; end if(month == 'Jul') month = 7; end if(month == 'Aug') month = 8; end if(month == 'Sep') month = 9; end if(month == 'Oct') month = 10; end if(month == 'Nov') month = 11; end if(month == 'Dec') month = 12; end year = str2double(date(set2+1:set2+4)); if(year < 100) year=year+2000; end time=sscanf(in1,'%*s %s',1); loc=find(time==':'); hour=str2double(time(1:loc-1)); minute=str2double(time(loc+1:loc+2)); vector_time=[year month day hour minute second]; field.value1(count)=sscanf(in1,'%*s %*s %f',1); field.value2(count)=sscanf(in1,'%*s %*s %*f %f',1); field.value3(count)=sscanf(in1,'%*s %*s %*f %*f %f',1); field.value4(count)=sscanf(in1,'%*s %*s %*f %*f %*f %f',1); field.value5(count)=sscanf(in1,'%*s %*s %*f %*f %*f %*f %f',1); temp=datestr(vector_time); field.time(count)=datenum(temp); count=count+1; end %% Feather plot axis([min(field.time(:)) max(field.time(:)) -10 10]); feather(field.value4(:), field.value5(:)); datetick('x',2,'keepticks'); hold('on');
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