From: David Murillo on
talha <talhaaydin(a)> wrote in message <5642d5c9-5fa1-4899-a93c-b70854f6c4e9(a)>...
> Hi,
> I am studying matcont program for my project. I have such a problem I
> need your help. When I try to have continuation of a curve(or of fold
> bifurcations) of limit cycles it gives an error saying that
> "Error using==> feval
> Undefined command/function 'BVP_LC_jac'.
> this BVP_LC_jac file is supposed to be in the file I downloaded.
> is there anyone who has any suggestion. Thank you for the help
> talha

I've had this problem on my mac machine. I emailed one of the devs and they came up with a solution. Manually compile lines 65-71 of matcont.m in the LimitCycle directory.
