From: Ergon on
Hi, I know I can make a pushbutton to open the uigetfile(). But is there a way to make a GUI with a filebrowser always open just like a listbox in the gui?
From: Walter Roberson on
Ergon wrote:
> Hi, I know I can make a pushbutton to open the uigetfile(). But is there
> a way to make a GUI with a filebrowser always open just like a listbox
> in the gui?

Yes. However, if you want that file browser to update as new files are added
or removed (possibly by other programs) you will need something like a timer
interrupt to update it. Other than that it is just a straight-forward use of
dir(), extracting the information you want, and setting the String property of
the listbox.
From: ImageAnalyst on
Maybe you want to check out uipickfiles() on the File Exchange:
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