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From: rohit on 24 Apr 2010 10:51 hello i am doing project in 'Human activity detection in video'..for this i want to find centroid of object using connected labels so that i can find displacement in consecutive frame means i want to find whether a human is active,walking ,running or inactive.. i have written the following code.. source = aviread('C:\Documents and Settings\rohit\project.avi'); thresh = 25; bg = source(1).cdata; % read in 1st frame as background frame bg_bw = rgb2gray(bg); fr_size = size(bg); width = fr_size(2); height = fr_size(1); fg = zeros(height, width); prev=zeros(1, 2); for i = 2:length(source); fr = source(i).cdata; % read in frame fr_bw = rgb2gray(fr); % convert frame to grayscale fr_diff = abs(double(fr_bw) - double(bg_bw)); for j=1:width % if fr_diff > thresh pixel in foreground for k=1:height if ((fr_diff(k,j) > thresh)) fg(k,j) = fr_bw(k,j); else fg(k,j) = 0; end end end bg_bw = fr_bw; figure(1),subplot(3,1,1),imshow(fr) subplot(3,1,2),imshow(uint8(fg)) cform = makecform('srgb2lab'); J = applycform(fr,cform); K=J(:,:,2); L=graythresh(J(:,:,2)); BW1=im2bw(J(:,:,2),L); M=graythresh(J(:,:,3)); BW2=im2bw(J(:,:,3),M); O=BW1.*BW2; % Bounding box P=bwlabel(O,8); BB=regionprops(P,'Boundingbox'); st=regionprops(P,'Centroid'); %cur = [st.Centroid]; %here i want to calculate the centroid of dimension 1X2 but it is greater than that %size(cur) BB1=struct2cell(BB); BB2=cell2mat(BB1); [s1 s2]=size(BB2); mx=0; for k=3:4:s2-1 p=BB2(1,k)*BB2(1,k+1); if p>mx & (BB2(1,k)/BB2(1,k+1))<1.8 mx=p; j=k; end end subplot(3,1,3),imshow(fr); %hold on; rectangle('Position',[BB2(1,j-2),BB2(1,j-1),BB2(1,j),BB2(1,j+1)],'EdgeColor','r' ) %speed=sqrt(st.*st-prev.*prev); %if(speed>10) %disp(sprintf('running')); %else %disp(sprintf('Standing')); %end %prev=BB(i,j); end
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