From: PinkLab on
I am trying to find out how to define suitable neighborhood within the loaded image without using the image processing toolbox. any help please?
From: ImageAnalyst on
Sorry, but no. Despite the incredible abundance of information you
provided, I can't tell you how to select the region of interest to
process in your image. Perhaps someone with the Mind Reading Toolbox
will help you.
From: PinkLab on
Initially, I would like to find out the total size of the neighborhood in the loaded image.

Secondly, I would like to create a neighborhood lets say square shape upon the smoothing algorithm filter (median filter)

then i would like to move the neighbourhood to the next position within the image array and reapply the smoothing algorithm. This process will continue until the whole image has been resolved.

I hope this help and give you enough information Mr ImageAnalyst

From: ImageAnalyst on
You might look into strel() and imfilter(), nlfilter(), or possibly
From: gunjan on
On Apr 21, 3:45 pm, ImageAnalyst <imageanal...(a)> wrote:
> You might look into strel() and imfilter(), nlfilter(), or possibly
> blockproc().

first read an image and then its neighborhood for I(2,2) will be
I(2,1),I(1,2) and I(1,1).u can move the image on pixel by pixel basis
and apply the mask of medfilter on every pixel.