From: Kirk on 14 May 2010 09:16 I have a large m-file in which I need to find 1 line of code, then replace it with two lines of code that contain a carriage return separating them. Is this possible? The goal is to add an additional line of code in several hundred places in the m-file. Therefore that replace code will contain the original line of code plus the additional line of code. Thanks in advance
From: Jan Simon on 14 May 2010 10:02 Dear Kirk! > I have a large m-file in which I need to find 1 line of code, then replace it with two lines of code that contain a carriage return separating them. Is this possible? The goal is to add an additional line of code in several hundred places in the m-file. Therefore that replace code will contain the original line of code plus the additional line of code. This should work with the replace-function all modern editors, e.g. Matlab's built-in editor. Another approach: T = testread(FileName, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); T(strcmp(T, 'searched line')) = {['line1', char(10), 'line2'}; FID = fopen(FileName, 'wb'); if FID < 0, error('Cannot open file.'); end fprintf(FID, '%s\n', T{:}); fclose(FID); If surrounding blanks will impede this, you can use this: T = testread(FileName, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); S = strtrim(T); Index = strcmp(S, 'searched line'); T(Index) = {['line1', char(10), 'line2'}; ... as above Then let Matlab's editor indent the complete function text automatically. Good luck, Jan
From: Kirk on 14 May 2010 10:22 "Jan Simon" <matlab.THIS_YEAR(a)> wrote in message <hsjl4t$g0v$1(a)>... > Dear Kirk! > > > I have a large m-file in which I need to find 1 line of code, then replace it with two lines of code that contain a carriage return separating them. Is this possible? The goal is to add an additional line of code in several hundred places in the m-file. Therefore that replace code will contain the original line of code plus the additional line of code. > > This should work with the replace-function all modern editors, e.g. Matlab's built-in editor. > > Another approach: > T = testread(FileName, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); > T(strcmp(T, 'searched line')) = {['line1', char(10), 'line2'}; > FID = fopen(FileName, 'wb'); > if FID < 0, error('Cannot open file.'); end > fprintf(FID, '%s\n', T{:}); > fclose(FID); > > If surrounding blanks will impede this, you can use this: > T = testread(FileName, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); > S = strtrim(T); > Index = strcmp(S, 'searched line'); > T(Index) = {['line1', char(10), 'line2'}; > ... as above > Then let Matlab's editor indent the complete function text automatically. > > Good luck, Jan Thanks Jan. I was trying to just use '\n' within the search and replace string in MATLAB's FIND AND REPLACE gui. No success however. Looks like your approach is to be run as an m-file?
From: us on 14 May 2010 11:03 "Kirk" <kwythers.nospam(a)> wrote in message <hsjien$ht5$1(a)>... > I have a large m-file in which I need to find 1 line of code, then replace it with two lines of code that contain a carriage return separating them. Is this possible? The goal is to add an additional line of code in several hundred places in the m-file. Therefore that replace code will contain the original line of code plus the additional line of code. > > Thanks in advance one of the many solutions fnam='pi.m'; % <- your file... s=textread(fnam,'%s','delimiter','\n'); ss=repmat({''},2*size(s,1),1); ss(1:2:end)=s; us
From: Jan Simon on 14 May 2010 11:13 Dear Kirk! > Thanks Jan. I was trying to just use '\n' within the search and replace string in MATLAB's FIND AND REPLACE gui. No success however. Looks like your approach is to be run as an m-file? You could create the 2 lines in the editor and insert it in the replace-dialog by copy and paste --- at least I thought it would work in Matlab's editor. But it doesn't - what a pitty. But you can use another editor for that. Yes, the code I've posted is Matlab code, which can run in an M-function, M-script or from the command line. Jan
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