From: us on
> Sorry i've made mistakes. It should be the second-to and third-to
> last.

by now you wasted several lengthy replies - and CSSMers time - for just being sorry for having made yet another mistake...

why don't you THINK for a while, then get your act together, and then come back with a
- brief
- precise
- concise

From: Nathan on
On Apr 6, 8:48 pm, "us " <u...(a)> wrote:
> Mike
> > Sorry i've made mistakes.  It should be the second-to and third-to
> > last.
> by now you wasted several lengthy replies - and CSSMers time - for just being sorry for having made yet another mistake...
> why don't you THINK for a while, then get your act together, and then come back with a
> - brief
> - precise
> - concise
> question(?)...
> us

He did ask for what he wanted, but I have some further questions for

" I want to find images
are within some T dates. Let's say T=7 for second column.
So the output should be:

group1=[ id10 2;
id2 5;
id3 3]

group2=[ id7 90;
id20 91;]
Since the numbers in these two groups are within T.

The given numbers are the solution because they fall within a range of
7 digits. 2 3 5 is a max range of 5-2 = 3.
90 91 is a max range of 91 - 90 = 1. These values are less than 7, so
they work.

None of the numbers are within 7 digits of 66, so that is not included
in the answer.

My question for clarification is what if the numbers 1:10 are part of
the set.
Is the premise that one number must be within 7 digits of another, or
is it that a series of numbers must be within 7 digits of each other?

From: Mike on
On Apr 7, 11:48 am, "us " <u...(a)> wrote:
> Mike
> > Sorry i've made mistakes.  It should be the second-to and third-to
> > last.
> by now you wasted several lengthy replies - and CSSMers time - for just being sorry for having made yet another mistake...
> why don't you THINK for a while, then get your act together, and then come back with a
> - brief
> - precise
> - concise
> question(?)...
> us

Sorry again. I'll THINK it very carefully.

From: Mike on
On Apr 7, 11:55 am, Nathan <ngrec...(a)> wrote:
> On Apr 6, 8:48 pm, "us " <u...(a)> wrote:
> > Mike
> > > Sorry i've made mistakes.  It should be the second-to and third-to
> > > last.
> > by now you wasted several lengthy replies - and CSSMers time - for just being sorry for having made yet another mistake...
> > why don't you THINK for a while, then get your act together, and then come back with a
> > - brief
> > - precise
> > - concise
> > question(?)...
> > us
> He did ask for what he wanted, but I have some further questions for
> clarification.
> "  I want to find images
> are within some T dates. Let's say T=7 for second column.
> So the output should be:
> group1=[ id10    2;
>       id2      5;
>       id3      3]
> group2=[      id7      90;
>                     id20    91;]
> Since the numbers in these two groups are within T.
> Mike"
> The given numbers are the solution because they fall within a range of
> 7 digits. 2 3 5 is a max range of 5-2 = 3.
> 90 91 is a max range of 91 - 90 = 1. These values are less than 7, so
> they work.
> None of the numbers are within 7 digits of 66, so that is not included
> in the answer.
> My question for clarification is what if the numbers 1:10 are part of
> the set.
> Is the premise that one number must be within 7 digits of another, or
> is it that a series of numbers must be within 7 digits of each other?
I'd like to have the series of numbers being within 7 of eacher other.
So if the numbers are 1:10, then the results need to show
1:7, 2:8, 3:9 and 4:10. These four series of data are all answers.
But the original data are not sorted.
> -Nathan

From: Mike on
On Apr 7, 12:08 pm, Mike <sulfate...(a)> wrote:
> On Apr 7, 11:55 am, Nathan <ngrec...(a)> wrote:
> > On Apr 6, 8:48 pm, "us " <u...(a)> wrote:
> > > Mike
> > > > Sorry i've made mistakes.  It should be the second-to and third-to
> > > > last.
> > > by now you wasted several lengthy replies - and CSSMers time - for just being sorry for having made yet another mistake...
> > > why don't you THINK for a while, then get your act together, and then come back with a
> > > - brief
> > > - precise
> > > - concise
> > > question(?)...
> > > us
> > He did ask for what he wanted, but I have some further questions for
> > clarification.
> > "  I want to find images
> > are within some T dates. Let's say T=7 for second column.
> > So the output should be:
> > group1=[ id10    2;
> >       id2      5;
> >       id3      3]
> > group2=[      id7      90;
> >                     id20    91;]
> > Since the numbers in these two groups are within T.
> > Mike"
> > The given numbers are the solution because they fall within a range of
> > 7 digits. 2 3 5 is a max range of 5-2 = 3.
> > 90 91 is a max range of 91 - 90 = 1. These values are less than 7, so
> > they work.
> > None of the numbers are within 7 digits of 66, so that is not included
> > in the answer.
> Yes.
> > My question for clarification is what if the numbers 1:10 are part of
> > the set.
> > Is the premise that one number must be within 7 digits of another, or
> > is it that a series of numbers must be within 7 digits of each other?
> I'd like to have the series of numbers being within 7 of eacher other.
> So if the numbers are 1:10, then the results need to show
> 1:7, 2:8, 3:9 and 4:10.  These four series of data are all answers.
> But the original data are not sorted.
> Mike
> > -Nathan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Just repost it.
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