From: mishagos on
I get this error: While executing findServerBehaviors in DynAttribute.htm the
following JavaScript errors occured:
SyntaxError { Invalid quantifier

I get this sort of thing from time to time when I handwrite php / mysql code
and DW8 can't digest it for some reason. My files always work fine on the
server, but DW8 (and MX, MX2004) seem to get confused by things that don't fit
in its idea of how recordsets and queries work.

I have NO EXTENSIONS installed, and have already reinstalled this once in the
past to no avail.

It's just annoying, as I can hand code fine and just click "OK" about the
error, but it happens every time DW changes from codeview to design view, or
upon opening the doc, or saving it.

Any ideas?

BTW, I really wish Adobe / MM would give us a way to disable these warnings
(i.e., "do not show this message again...) for a given file. Maybe it could be
in the file notes? Are you listening, Adobe? Probably not...:shocked;

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