From: someone on
"faisal " <maabdolat(a)> wrote in message <hvgia4$8gn$1(a)>...
> Thanks for helping me out, but it wil be a great favour if u write me the code, because i m new user of matlab and does not know how to do what u said....
> regards

You can start here:
From: Bruno Luong on
One way, use this FEX file:

>> P1=[0,2765; 0.2,2580; 0.4,2370; 0.6,2160; 0.8,1905; 0.9,1765; 1,1490].';

>> xmin=min(P1(1,:));
>> xmax=max(P1(1,:));
>> ymin=polyval([3073 -860],xmin);
>> ymax=polyval([3073 -860],xmax);
>> P2=[xmin xmax; ymin ymax];

>> xycross = poly2poly(P1,P2)

xycross =

1.0e+003 *

0.0009 0.0008 0.0009 0.0008
1.8090 1.7020 1.8090 1.7020

From: faisal on
Thanks for helping me,,

but i found a link that is the exact answer of my question,

This link is great achievement by the writer,
thanks 4 ur kind help & guidence

From: Gang-Gyoo on
Hi Guy,

Here is a piece of code that you need.

Gang-Gyoo Jin

function main
xx= [0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1];
yy= [2765 2580 2370 2160 1905 1765 1490];
plot(xx,yy,'o'), hold on

n= 6;
p= polyfit(xx,yy,n);
x= 0:0.02:1;
y1= polyval(p,x);

y2= 3073*x-860;
hold off

x0= 0;
x= fsolve(@myfun,x0)

function f= myfun(x)
y1= 3073*x-860;
xx= [0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.9 1];
yy= [2765 2580 2370 2160 1905 1765 1490];
n= 6; % data no-1
p= polyfit(xx,yy,n);
y2= polyval(p,x);
f= y1-y2;
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