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From: Ozge Taskan on

I have a matrix (n,4) and some rows are all zero and I try to find in which row all numbers are zero like

[1 8 9 0; 0 0 0 0; 8 9 7 6; 7 0 8 0; 0 0 0 0 ]

I just want to get the answer as ans=[2 5]. I tried to use find function but it cannot give which row. Can it be possible?

Thank you very much in advance.

From: Sadik on
Assuming your matrix is M, this should work:

zeroRows = find(sum(abs(M),2))==0);
From: Frank Chang on
On Jun 11, 11:27 am, "Sadik " <sadik.h...(a)> wrote:
> Assuming your matrix is M, this should work:
> zeroRows = find(sum(abs(M),2))==0);

my thoughts are exactly along this line. you beat me on this. :)
From: Matt Fig on
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