From: ImageAnalyst on
On Jun 18, 3:00 pm, "Jessica" <jyorzin...(a)> wrote:
> I am using the code:  
> image(A);
> set(gcf,'Position',get(0,'Screensize'))%enlarge image to full screen
> to have a picture appear. I want the picture to expand to the full size of the screen but also want the original dimensions of the picture to remain true to the original. When I use this script, the picture expands but it is stretched out. Thanks!

On my screen, the image stretches (shrinks or zooms) but always by the
same amount in the x and y direction so that the aspect ratio of the
image is the same as the original, so that it doesn't looked
"stretched" in only one direction. imshow has an
'InitialMagnification' option. Try setting that to prevent any
zooming and show the image "image pixel" to "screen pixel." It sounds
like you had unequal magnification in the x and y direction - I'm not
sure why (since it doesn't happen for me) but maybe setting
'InitialMagnification' to 100 would fix your problem.

By the way, if your screen resolution is not the same as on some other
computer, (for example one computer was 1920 by 1200 and the other was
1600 by 1200) the image may look stretched in one direction as
compared to that other computer.
From: Jessica on
Thanks for all these tips-- they were really helpful!