From: Mark Edwards on
No cluons were harmed when =z= wrote:
>send in the clowns

Why? There are far too many clowns here as it is.

Mark Edwards
Proof of Sanity Forged Upon Request

From: =z= on
On Dec 27, 8:27 pm, Mark Edwards <Mark-Edwa...(a)> wrote:
> No cluons were harmed when =z= wrote:
> >send in the clowns
> Why? There are far too many clowns here as it is.
> Mark Edwards
> --
> Proof of Sanity Forged Upon Request

matter of opinion man
From: Mark Edwards on
No cluons were harmed when Mark wrote:
>What then is culture? By examining the root of the Word...

It is a combination of the words 'cult' and 'coiffure'. Therefore, culture
is the effect of hairstlyes on religion.

Damn good thing the pompador didn't come along until the 3rd century.

Mark Edwards
Proof of Sanity Forged Upon Request

From: =z= on
On Dec 27, 10:46 pm, Mark Edwards <Mark-Edwa...(a)> wrote:
> No cluons were harmed when Mark wrote:
> >What then is culture? By examining the root of the Word...
> It is a combination of the words 'cult' and 'coiffure'. Therefore, culture
> is the effect of hairstlyes on religion.
> Damn good thing the pompador didn't come along until the 3rd century.
> Mark Edwards
> --
> Proof of Sanity Forged Upon Request

too bad you don't know, period...
From: Barbara's Cat on
=z= said:

> you are none but an entrant that smells....
> stinking up the place~

And you truly believe you are different, eh?


"There are three things extremely hard:
steel, a diamond, and to know one's self."
- Benjamin Franklin