From: Anthony on 20 Jun 2010 17:12 Hey, I am using fminsearch to optimize a log-likelihood function and I want to extract extra parameters from the function when the optimizing is done. But I am having trouble doing so. The syntax is as follows: [thetahat,fval] = fminsearch(@likelihood,theta0,Options,Data,p,q); And likelihood.m: function [LLF] = likelihood(theta,y,p,q) So inside the likelihood function are two vectors that I'd like to have as output after the optimization. "res" and "h". Any ideas on how I can extract them? I put the entire likelihood.m code at the bottom so it would be easier to understand. Kindly, Anthony Farinaccio ***********likelihood.m********************* function [LLF] = likelihood(theta,y,p,q) % % Purpose: Calculates the log-likelihood function of an AR(p)-ARCH(q) % yt = rho0 + rho1*y(t-1) + rho2*y(t-2) + ... + rhop*y(t-p) + ut % ht = alpha0 + alpha1*h(t-1) + ... + alphaq*h(t-q) % Inputs: y = dependent variable vector % p = # of lags of the AR portion (rho) % q = # of lags of the ARCH portion (alpha) % theta = vector of coefficient estimates - p+q+3x1 (last % coefficient is ficticious and controls the optimisation % constraints % theta = [rho alpha]; % Outputs: LLF = the negative of the log-likelihood function value rho = theta(1:p+1); alpha = theta(p+2:end); nobs = length(y); yp = y(p+1:end); %feeding the lags % Matrix of lagged regressors for AR portion with constant xlag = ones(nobs-p,1); for i =1:p xlag = [xlag y(p+1-i:end-i,1)]; end res = yp - xlag*rho; %residuals res2 = res.*res; %residuals squared, used for estimation of ARCH portion %Build lagged squared residuals matrix for ARCH part plus a constant lagres2 = ones(nobs-p-q+1,1); %lose p+q+1 data points because using residuals for i=1:q lagres2 = [lagres2, res2(q+1-i:end-i+1,1)]; end h = lagres2*alpha; Z=res(q+1:end)./sqrt(h(1:end-1)); LLF=-mean(-0.5*log(h(1:end-1)) - 0.5*Z.^2); %-0.5ln(2pi) excluded as it includes no parameters and does not alter the %extrema of the function. end **************************************************************
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