From: " --MM-->>" on
Tim Prince ha scritto:
> <<--MM-->> wrote:
>> I read about Forall and Where in some paper/tutorial for the fortra95,
>> and in any case isn't clarifly the real difference, but the idea
>> suggested was that the compiler can optimize the internal code.
>> I mean in Do loop on an array a(i,j) I use normaly a sequencing via
>> the fast coordinate
>> do i=....
>> do j=...
>> a(i,j)=...
>> enddo
>> enddo
>> when the software is increasing I use FORALL e WHERE in order to
>> reduce the lines of code.
>> But now I discovered that in this case I can lost the efficency.
>> Is it true also for dual core or quad core processor?

> Your pseudo-code contradicts what you said.

Yes, you are right, it was a mistake (change i to j and viceversa)
From: m_b_metcalf on
On Jan 6, 2:34 am, Ron Shepard <ron-shep...(a)> wrote:
> In article <hhvt2u$1c...(a)>,
>  hel...(a) (Phillip Helbig---undress to
>  reply) wrote:
> > In article <1jbt60e.k9bpesczgc7wN%nos...(a)see.signature>,
> > nos...(a)see.signature (Richard Maine) writes:
> > > I don't know why you
> > > would think that forall was somehow inherently more optimizable than DO
> > > loops.
> > > DO is a looping construct. Forall and Where are array assignments. That
> > > is a really fundamental difference.
> > Maybe that is the reason he thought it would somehow be inherently more
> > optimizable.  DO implies doing things one after the other.  If the
> > compiler can prove to itself that parallel execution is OK, then it can
> > do that optimisation.  However, with FORALL and WHERE, there is no
> > serial implication, so the compiler can perhaps optimise a bit more
> > aggressively.  
> The semantics that we all wanted back in the 80s when the next
> fortran revision (f88 :-) was being discussed was exactly what you
> say above, a looping type construct in which the order of execution
> is unspecified.  That matched the vector hardware of the time.  
> Unfortunately, FORALL adds a little more, and it is that little bit
> extra that gets in the way of optimization.  In particular, the
> problem seems to be the requirement that the statement is evaluated
> "as if" everything on the right hand side is stored into a temporary
> array of the appropriate size and then assigned to the left hand
> side target array.  If the compiler can't figure out that the
> temporary array is unneeded and assigns results directly to the
> target array (which seems to be somewhere between "always" and "too
> often"), then it actually does allocate a temporary array to hold
> the intermediate results.  It is that allocation and deallocation
> that seems to be the problem with optimization of FORALL.
> The looping construct we wanted would have required the programmer
> to make sure that the order of execution was not important.  
> Sometimes that is obvious for a statement or group of statements,
> sometimes it isn't, so this was a potential source of coding errors
> for programmers.  FORALL does the arbitrary-order part, but it
> provides the safety net of evaluation-before-assignment so that the
> programmer cannot possible make a mistake.  It is that safety net
> that seems to be the cause of the optimization and performance
> problems.
> At this point, I don't know what the best solution is.  Should a new
> DOALL construct be added that works the right way?  Should a
> compiler directive be specified somehow in the standard to tell
> FORALL to behave correctly?  There doesn't really seem to be a good
> solution to the problem.  In hindsight, the FORALL semantics was a
> bad choice, but once it was in the language it is practically
> impossible to remove it, so we are stuck with it in the language
> forever.
> BTW, when FORALL was added, I thought it was what we all wanted.  I
> did not recognize that such a seemingly minor difference between
> what we really wanted and what we got would have such major
> consequences.  As a result, I tend to avoid FORALL for all but
> trivial statements.  If a loop is important to performance, I tend
> to use old fashioned DO loops, or a mixture of DO loops and simple
> array syntax.  Even if a FORALL behaves well on one compiler, you
> can't rely on it working well on the next one.
> $.02 -Ron Shepard- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Is the DO CONCURRENT of Fortran 2008 what you want?


Mike Metcalf