From: Petra on
Hi all
I tried to print different strings with exactley the same length. So when I try to print them one under the other every word has to start at the same position as one above.
In this example "test" is not under "try ..."
This example could show you my problem:

str_listbox1={sprintf(' %s %s %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f',char('TEST'),char('try it first'),5.433,4.2,1)}
str_listbox2={sprintf(' %s %s %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f',char('.... 12'),char('test'),5.433,4.2,1)}
h_listbox = uicontrol('Style','listbox','Position', [20 250 400 70],'String',[str_listbox1,str_listbox2])

the listbox printing is terrible, even though the printing in the command window ist o.K.
From: Petra on

Please klick the "original format" then copy the example to an .m file
From: ImageAnalyst on
Try changing to a mono-spaced font, like Courier. It's probably the
proportional spaced font that is messing you up.