From: Szilard Szasz- Toth on 3 Aug 2010 09:57 Hello, I am basically trying to convert an American Option to a European Option by inverting Barone-Adesi and Whaley as described in the Paper "Determining the implied volatility for American options using the QAM" - Kutner (1998). I successfully implemented the code using the Newton-Raphson Method for 2 equations, but because the methods seems to have some problems with certain strike values, I wanted to use Matlab's fsolve function as an alternative. When using fsolve, however, I never get a solution and the supplied exact partial derivatives for the Jacobian matrix do not match the finite-differencing derivatives from fsolve. The supplied derivatives should be correct however (double checked with values from paper) and the solution of the Newton-Raphson Method converges quickly to a solution. I am not sure what I am doing wrong or missing, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Below are some code excerpt. If the code is hardly readable, I would of course send you my entire code, both the Newton-Raphson and fsolve versions. Thanks in advance. Code: Execute with test- data: [price implVola] = convertAmericanToEuropean(1, 0.04, 80, 100, 0.08, 0.25); % convertAmericanToEuropean_fsolve(isCall, optionPrice, S, X, r, T) [price implVola] = convertAmericanToEuropean_fsolve(1, 0.04, 80, 100, 0.08, 0.25); ===================================================== function [optionPrice, optionVola] = convertAmericanToEuropean_fsolve(isCall, optionPrice, S, X, r, T) if (isCall) S_Star_0 = S+10; %Call Sigma_0 = blkimpv(S, X, r, T, optionPrice, [], [], {'call'}); else S_Star_0 = S-10; %Put Sigma_0 = blkimpv(S, X, r, T, optionPrice, [], [], {'put'}); end initialGuess = [S_Star_0; Sigma_0^2]; % Make a starting guess at the solution options = optimset('Display','iter', 'DerivativeCheck', 'on' , 'Jacobian', 'on'); x = fsolve(@impliedVolatility_BAW_fsolve, initialGuess, options, isCall, optionPrice, S, X, r, 0.0, T); optionVola = sqrt(x(2)); optionPrice = EurpeanOptionOnCommodity(CallOrPut, S, X, r, 0.0, T, optionVola); end ===================================================== ===================================================== function [F,J] = impliedVolatility_BAW_fsolve(x, isCall, marketPrice, S, X, r, b, T) try % Set initial starting values S_Star = x(1); Sigma = sqrt(x(2)); if (isCall) % 1.) Set up variables needed to calculate f and g M = (2*r)/(Sigma^2); N = (2*b)/(Sigma^2); K = 1 - exp(-r*T); q2 = 0.5 * ( -(N-1) + sqrt( (N-1)^2 + (4*M)/K ) ); d1_star = (log(S_Star/X) + (b+0.5*Sigma^2)*T) / (Sigma * sqrt(T)); d2_star = d1_star - Sigma * sqrt(T); N_d1_Star = normcdf(d1_star,0,1); %N_d2_Star = normcdf(d2_star,0,1); n_d1_Star = normpdf(d1_star,0,1); n_d2_Star = normpdf(d2_star,0,1); d1 = (log(S/X) + (b+0.5*Sigma^2)*T) / (Sigma * sqrt(T)); d2 = d1 - Sigma * sqrt(T); %N_d1 = normcdf(d1,0,1); %N_d2 = normcdf(d2,0,1); n_d2 = normpdf(d2,0,1); A2 = (S_Star/q2) * ( 1 - exp((b-r)*T) * N_d1_Star ); c_S_Star = EurpeanOptionOnCommodity(1, S_Star, X, r, b, T, Sigma); c = EurpeanOptionOnCommodity(1, S, X, r, b, T, Sigma); % 2.) Calculate f(x) = 0 and g(x) = 0 f = c_S_Star + S_Star/q2 * ( 1 - exp((b-r)*T) * N_d1_Star ) - (S_Star - X); g = c + A2 * ((S/S_Star)^q2) - marketPrice; F = [f g]; % 3.) Calculate Jacobian Matrix of f and g % Substitution variables y1 = 1 - exp((b-r)*T) * N_d1_Star; y2 = n_d1_Star / (S_Star * Sigma * sqrt(T)); y3 = exp((b-r)*T); y4 = b/(Sigma^4) - ( ( (N-1)*b + 2*r/K ) / ( Sigma^4 * sqrt((N-1)^2 + 4*M/K) ) ); y5 = X * sqrt(T) * exp(-r*T) * n_d2 / (2*Sigma); y6 = -0.5 * ( log(S_Star/X) + b*T ) / ( (Sigma^3 * sqrt(T)) / (4*Sigma) ); y7 = X * sqrt(T) * exp(-r*T) * n_d2_Star / (2*Sigma); % Partial derivatives of 2x2Jacobi matrix dg_dS_Star = ((S/S_Star)^q2) * ( (1/q2)*y1 - (S_Star/q2)*y2*y3 - q2*A2*(1/S_Star) ); df_dS_Star = y3 * N_d1_Star + (y1/q2) - (S_Star/q2)*(y2*y3) - 1; dg_dSigmaSqr = y5 + ((S/S_Star)^q2) * ( A2*log(S/S_Star)*y4 - (S_Star/q2)*y3*y6*n_d1_Star - y1*y4*(S_Star/(q2^2)) ); df_dSigmaSqr = y7 - y1*y4*(S_Star/(q2^2)) - (S_Star/q2)*y3*y6*n_d1_Star; J = [dg_dS_Star dg_dSigmaSqr ; df_dS_Star df_dSigmaSqr]; else % Similar code for put [...] end catch F = [NaN NaN]; J = [NaN NaN ; NaN NaN]; end end
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