From: Walter Roberson on
On 10-04-04 10:35 PM, Patricio wrote:

> r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2);
> ht = matlabFunction(tanh(r))
> and I got the error:
> "??? Undefined function or method 'matlabFunction' for input arguments
> of type 'sym'.
> Error in ==> Symbolic_Math_Toolbox_Exemple at 6
> ht = matlabFunction(tanh(r))"

When talking about the symbolic toolbox, you need to tell us which
Matlab release you are using and which version of the toolbox. Older
versions used a Maple based toolbox which did not have a
"matlabFunction" routine. I don't know if there was an equivalent
mechanism for the regular Maple based toolbox at the time. But at the
time there was also the "full" Maple toolbox, which gave full access to
the Maple programming language; depending on the Maple version you had,
you could compile to C (even in older versions) or to Matlab (as of
Maple Release 13.) The older Maple package (not necessarily available
from the regular maple-based symbolic toolbox) was named "codegen"; the
newer Maple package (again not necessarily available without the "full"
toolbox) was named CodeGeneration . If you did end up somehow with full
access to Maple 13, then CodeGeneration[Matlab] is the more specific