From: AC on 7 Jul 2010 06:59 Hi, I have 2 questions about geneontologydemo.m : 1. I am having a hard time understanding how the p-values are computed. In the demo: pvalues=hygepdf(upgenesCount,max(chipgenesCount),... max(upgenesCount),chipgenesCount); This is weird to me. Shouldn't it be: pvalues=1-hygecdf(X,M,K,N); with X=upgenesCount; M=total number of genes; K=number of genes in GO term; N=number of upgenes ? Why is it so different? How is the first one correct? 2. Should we be correcting for multiple testing? (e.g Benjamini-Hochberg proc) Could someone shed some light? Thanks a lot!
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