From: bob on 28 Jan 2006 13:04 How do you generate a mouse click in a windows environment? I can read the output of the mouse but would like to program a double click event, at best through generating two left clicks fast after each other by software, not the hard way. I know that mouse clicker software exists which can time artificial clicks. My plan is to read a middle click and convert it into a double left click.
From: JustBoo on 28 Jan 2006 13:40 On 28 Jan 2006 10:04:52 -0800, "bob" <drfabius2000(a)> wrote: >How do you generate a mouse click in a windows environment? LRESULT SendMessage( HWND hWnd, // handle of destination window UINT Msg, // message to send WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam // second message parameter ); So: Msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN; sends a mouse click to Windows. >I can read >the output of the mouse but would like to program a double click event, Msg = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK; >at best through generating two left clicks fast after each other by >software, not the hard way. I know that mouse clicker software exists >which can time artificial clicks. Msg = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK; Msg = WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK; Msg = WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK; There are more mouse messges as well. Search for "WM_" and browse. HTH - Good Luck
From: Lucian Wischik on 28 Jan 2006 16:52 "bob" <drfabius2000(a)> wrote: >How do you generate a mouse click in a windows environment? I can read >the output of the mouse but would like to program a double click event, >at best through generating two left clicks fast after each other by >software, not the hard way. I know that mouse clicker software exists >which can time artificial clicks. It sounds like you want to make this change system-wide, ie. not just for your program. (if you wanted to do it just for your own program, it would be easy! just respond to WM_MBUTTONDOWN by invoking your own left-click-double-handler.) If you want to do it system-wide, you would intercept the mouse click by installing a low-level mouse handler. And you'd spoof the double-click by using the SendInput command. I wrote the following program which does something similar, but it intercepts the right menu key on the keyboard and generates a single right-click event. -- Lucian #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 #include <windows.h> // This program installs a "low level keyboard hook". // Whenever the right alt key (VK_RMENU) goes down, we generate a right-mouse-down event. // When the right alt key goes up, we generate a right-mouse-up event. // To respond to other keypresses instead, look in winuser.h // // Generation of events is by SendInput(..), a Windows NT/2k/XP function. // // The keyboard hook is installed with SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL,...), // which is also specific to NT/2k/XP. This hook has the nice feature that it // can "gobble up" keyboard events, so they're not seen by the rest of the system. // Note: WH_KEYBOARD_LL always sets a global hook and so works for all applications. // But unlike most global hooks (which have to reside in a DLL), the WH_KEYBOARD_LL // can instead reside in an EXE. What Windows does is, whenever it receives a keypress, // it switches to the context of the EXE that contained the hook, then invokes the hook // function, then restores context back to what it was before. // // The main routine sets the hook, then creates an invisible top-level window, and when // the top-level window gets closed (by ending it in the TaskManager), we unhook the hook. // Note: it might seem nicer not to have any window at all, and just to enter an infinite // loop. But (1) with a window we can exit more gracefully (and we can also choose to // appear in the Process List of the taskmanager). And (2) keyboard hooks fail to work // when there's just a tight infinite loop of Sleep(). It just wasn't working. Then when // I created the window and did a message-loop it magically started working. My guess // is that the context-switching might internally use the message-loop mechanism, // or something like that. LRESULT CALLBACK LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT p = (PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT)lParam; // if (nCode==HC_ACTION && p->vkCode==VK_RMENU && (wParam==WM_KEYDOWN || wParam==WM_SYSKEYDOWN)) { INPUT ip; ZeroMemory(&ip,sizeof(ip)); ip.type=INPUT_MOUSE; ip.mi.dwFlags=MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN; SendInput(1,&ip,sizeof(ip)); return 1; } if (nCode==HC_ACTION && p->vkCode==VK_RMENU && (wParam==WM_KEYUP || wParam==WM_SYSKEYUP)) { INPUT ip; ZeroMemory(&ip,sizeof(ip)); ip.type=INPUT_MOUSE; ip.mi.dwFlags=MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP; SendInput(1,&ip,sizeof(ip)); return 1; } return CallNextHookEx(0,nCode,wParam,lParam); } LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg==WM_DESTROY) PostQuitMessage(0); return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE,LPSTR,int) { HHOOK hook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, LowLevelKeyboardProc, hInstance, 0); // WNDCLASSEX wcex; ZeroMemory(&wcex,sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize=sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wcex.lpfnWndProc=(WNDPROC)WndProc; wcex.hInstance=hInstance; wcex.lpszClassName=L"KeyboardMouseClass"; RegisterClassEx(&wcex); CreateWindowEx(0,L"KeyboardMouseClass", L"KeyboardMouse",0,0,0,0,0,0,0,hInstance,0); MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg);} // UnhookWindowsHookEx(hook); return msg.wParam; }
From: Barry on 29 Jan 2006 08:13 "bob" <drfabius2000(a)> wrote in message news:1138471492.622877.149600(a) > How do you generate a mouse click in a windows environment? I can read > the output of the mouse but would like to program a double click event, > > at best through generating two left clicks fast after each other by > software, not the hard way. I know that mouse clicker software exists > which can time artificial clicks. > > My plan is to read a middle click and convert it into a double left > click. > The mouse_event function synthesizes mouse motion and button clicks. VOID mouse_event( DWORD dwFlags, // flags specifying various motion/click variants DWORD dx, // horizontal mouse position or position change DWORD dy, // vertical mouse position or position change DWORD dwData, // amount of wheel movement DWORD dwExtraInfo // 32 bits of application-defined information );
From: kaychoro on 2 Feb 2006 01:33 I've run into a similar problem. My thought was to just do as much manually as I could - a MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN then MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP. Using this method, should I be able to simulate the click on the File menu of my app? Thanks, Kaychoro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ input[0].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[0].mi.dx = 0; input[0].mi.dy = 0; input[0].mi.mouseData = 0; input[0].mi.time = 0; input[0].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN; input[1].type = INPUT_MOUSE; input[1].mi.dx = 0; input[1].mi.dy = 0; input[1].mi.mouseData = 0; input[1].mi.time = 0; input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP; SendInput(2, input, sizeof (input[0].mi));
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