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From: sakly on 25 Apr 2010 03:44 hello I have a problem in filtering the signal shifts in reception and is not quite the same thank you for help is urgent my code is : clear all; bits = [1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,-1]; BT = 0.5; R = 2000; fc = 1200; te = 5000; T = 1/R; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% impulsion gaussien t = -T : T/te : T; y1=2*pi*BT*((t-T/2)/(T*sqrt(log(2)))); y2=2*pi*BT*((t+T/2)/(T*sqrt(log(2)))); g=(1/(2*T*sqrt(pi)))*(erfc(y1/sqrt(2))-erfc(y2/sqrt(2))); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% filtrage b_t = zeros(1, (length(bits)+1)*te+1); for n = 1 : length(bits) t1 = zeros(1, (n-1)*te); t2 = [t1 bits(n)*g]; t3 = zeros(1, length(b_t) - length(t2)); t4 = [t2 t3]; b_t = b_t + t4; end %%%%%%%%%%%% integration %%%%%%%%%%%%% c_t = b_t; for n = 2 : length(b_t) c_t(n) = c_t(n - 1) + c_t(n); end %I_t=conv(c_t,g); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% temp_t = g; for n = 2 : length(temp_t) temp_t(n) = temp_t(n - 1) + temp_t(n); end sf =pi/(temp_t(length(temp_t))); I =cos(sf.*c_t); Q = sin(sf.*c_t); temp = length(bits)/R; t = 0 : temp/length(c_t) : temp - temp/length(c_t); mod_signal = cos(2*pi*fc*t) .* I - sin(2*pi*fc*t) .* Q; %%%%% demodulation GMSK temp = length(bits)/R; t = 0 : temp/length(mod_signal) : temp - temp/length(mod_signal); I1=mod_signal.*cos(2*pi*fc*t); Q1=-mod_signal.*sin(2*pi*fc*t); %%%%% filtrage de I et Q I_t=zeros(1,length(I1)+length(g)-1); Q_t=zeros(1,length(Q1)+length(g)-1); I_t=conv(I1,g); Q_t=conv(Q1,g); plot(I_t); hold on plot(I);
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