From: Alexander on
Hi all,

I've got a few really novice questions (actually I'm quite confused):

- does implementation exist at the OOD level or only at the OOP level?
(I think it only exists at the OOP level)

- does MI exist at the OOD level? (I think it does)

- if MI can exist at the OOD level, can such a design be trivially
translated to an OOP language that only supports multiple subtyping
inheritance? (like Java or Objective-C if I understand these

(I think any OOD can be trivially translated even to an 'ugly' hybrid
language like Java using only Java interfaces --hence only subtyping
inheritance-- and delegation).

The source of my confusion comes from the fact that I'm always trying
to think "abstractions" and that, to me, "pieces of code" and "code
reuse" are really just an implementation detail.

Is a subtype hierarchy inheritance or not?

Most people consider that Java and Objective-C do not support MI
they do not support multiple subtype+subclass inheritance but still
do both support multiple subtype inheritance and to me coupled with
delegation this is really MI.

Any clarification on that subject would be most welcome,

From: S Perryman on
Nilone wrote:

> To me, supporting subtyping means the compiler allows me to specify
> behavioural subtyping and is able to guarantee it.

No "compiler" can ever "guarantee it" .
Because the problem in general is *UNDECIDABLE* .

But of course, there is nothing to stop you :

- using/defining a prog lang that provides the means to define
correctness artifacts (pre/post/ invariant conditions, equivalences etc)

- creating/integrating an env where said artifacts are given to an
automated proof system, and the veracity of the artifacts are shown.

A prog lang such as Eiffel integrated with a proof system such as Larch
would be a good starting point. And would probably determine a lot of
things correct/wrong with most typical software systems.

Steven Perryman
From: Nilone on
On Feb 16, 10:02 pm, S Perryman <a...(a)> wrote:
> Nilone wrote:
> > To me, supporting subtyping means the compiler allows me to specify
> > behavioural subtyping and is able to guarantee it.
> No "compiler" can ever "guarantee it" .
> Because the problem in general is *UNDECIDABLE* .
> But of course, there is nothing to stop you :
> - using/defining a prog lang that provides the means to define
>    correctness artifacts (pre/post/ invariant conditions, equivalences etc)
> - creating/integrating an env where said artifacts are given to an
>    automated proof system, and the veracity of the artifacts are shown.
> A prog lang such as Eiffel integrated with a proof system such as Larch
> would be a good starting point. And would probably determine a lot of
> things correct/wrong with most typical software systems.
> Regards,
> Steven Perryman

You're right, behavioural equivalence is undecidable. However, what I
want is a little simpler. C++ comes close with virtual inheritance,
but it fails to transcend from the physical representation of data to
logical abstractions.

Forget equivalence and just look at whether the method has been
implemented. If two types contain methods with the same name (and it
isn't the exact same method, i.e. inherited from a shared parent) then
those types conflict and can't be simultaneously inherited from. The
derived type must end up with the union of its parents' attributes and
methods. If one of the base types contain an abstract method and
another a concrete method with the same signature, the concrete method
automatically overrides the abstract one.

I want this subtyping mechanism restricted to value types, i.e. copy
on assignment and no possibility of obtaining a pointer or shared
access to a variable of such a type, since variable subtyping is
possible in a single-user environment. I want methods that read from
such values to do so covariantly, and methods that modify such
variables to do so contravariantly. Read-write access should be

Finally, I don't want this instead of classes, I want it in addition
to them. While I'm defining my ideal type system, let's remove
implementation inheritance from classes, and add Third Manifesto-style
relations instead of the usual mix of indexed and associative arrays.

Do you think that is realizable, or am I missing anything?
From: Nilone on
On Feb 15, 5:40 pm, Alexander <alexanderpaterso...(a)> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a few really novice questions (actually I'm quite confused):

I don't blame you. My experience with subtyping and subclassing in
class-based languages ranks below quitting cigarettes.

> - does implementation exist at the OOD level or only at the OOP level?
> (I think it only exists at the OOP level)

I'm not sure what you mean. When you design a system, you design it
to be implemented, don't you? Your design should be based on the
semantics of your intended implementation framework. Implementation
does exist on the design level, but is abstracted over, so it's
something in your mind, not in the artifacts of the design.

> - does MI exist at the OOD level? (I think it does)
> - if MI can exist at the OOD level, can such a design be trivially
> translated to an OOP language that only supports multiple subtyping
> inheritance? (like Java or Objective-C if I understand these
> correctly)

Inheritance is a language mechanism that derives one class's
attributes and/or code from another. It exists on the design level
only as far as you're designing for a specific language or framework.

Subtyping is a basic logical relationship. It exists on the design
level if you classify your design artifacts hierarchically.
Unfortunately, it may not exist as a mechanism in the language you're
targeting, or may exist only partially. It may be possible to
implement that relationship in your target language regardless of the
language's support for it.

I have yet to see a programming language in which subtyping is trivial
to implement, whether single or multiple. One of the reasons for that
is that subtyping is context-sensitive, and impossible to enforce on
mutable shared objects or in a reflective environment. It should have
been trivial to subtype structs via multiple inheritance, but here our
language designers failed us.

Java supports single implementation inheritance (extends) and multiple
interface inheritance (implements). By default, its inheritance
mechanism produces subtypes of the interfaces of classes, not of the
implementation of classes, even in the case of extends, since it's
still possible to override methods which will break any behavioural
subtyping relationship.

To get the compiler to enforce behavioural subtyping that is
polymorphically substitutable for the parent type, you first have to
make the base class immutable, mark all methods final, and avoid self-
inspection via reflection. Alternatively, you can just implement a
behavioural subtype by inheriting the interface and ensuring that the
subclass responds exactly the same in every situation as the base
class would (either via delegation or re-implementing the code), but
in this case the compiler won't guarantee the relationship.

> (I think any OOD can be trivially translated even to an 'ugly' hybrid
> language like Java using only Java interfaces --hence only subtyping
> inheritance-- and delegation).

To me, subtyping means if S <: T, then P(T) => P(S), where P(X) can
refer to the result of executable code in X as well as externally
visible attributes of X.

> The source of my confusion comes from the fact that I'm always trying
> to think "abstractions" and that, to me, "pieces of code" and "code
> reuse" are really just an implementation detail.
> Is a subtype hierarchy inheritance or not?

No, they're not the same thing.

> Most people consider that Java and Objective-C do not support MI
> because
> they do not support multiple subtype+subclass inheritance but still
> they
> do both support multiple subtype inheritance and to me coupled with
> delegation this is really MI.

To me, supporting subtyping means the compiler allows me to specify
behavioural subtyping and is able to guarantee it. I don't know of a
working compiler which can do this. Of course, inheritance and
delegation are powerful tools and much can be accomplished with them.
In the end, all Turing-machine equivalent languages are able to
achieve the same results. What I want is a language in which I can
express myself effectively and efficiently, and I believe multiple
behavioural subtyping would be a valuable tool in certain situations.

> Any clarification on that subject would be most welcome,
>   Alexander

I hope my thoughts on the matter contribute. I also welcome further
From: BGB / cr88192 on

"Alexander" <alexanderpaterson39(a)> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I've got a few really novice questions (actually I'm quite confused):
> - does implementation exist at the OOD level or only at the OOP level?
> (I think it only exists at the OOP level)

IMO, this is ambiguous...

> - does MI exist at the OOD level? (I think it does)
> - if MI can exist at the OOD level, can such a design be trivially
> translated to an OOP language that only supports multiple subtyping
> inheritance? (like Java or Objective-C if I understand these
> correctly)
> (I think any OOD can be trivially translated even to an 'ugly' hybrid
> language like Java using only Java interfaces --hence only subtyping
> inheritance-- and delegation).

AFAIK, this is mixing interface with implementation...

if one is designing something apart from a language, then MI vs SI, ...
should not matter, since then one would not likely define an inheritence
heirarchy in the first place (instead, one could state things in terms of
conceptual relationships, rather than how they would be implemented in the
language, then whether one uses MI, SI, or simply non-inheriting classes
accessed via interfaces, or even raw C structs and exported API's, ... does
not matter...).

if one then does care to specify things like inheritence, specific APIs /
behaviors, ... then this is naturally specific to "an" implementation
language (there may be a little room, but more of the sort that the design
could be faithfully implemented in C# or Java without modification, ...).

if one then goes and specifies package/namespace/file/... organization, well
then, one has generally taken out nearly all room for flexibility...

> The source of my confusion comes from the fact that I'm always trying
> to think "abstractions" and that, to me, "pieces of code" and "code
> reuse" are really just an implementation detail.

for other reasons, I personally despise this notion of "just an
implementation detail".

often, this sort of wording is used by those who condescend the reality on
which abstractions are based.

an abstraction exists to gloss over the details of an implementation and to
allow increased flexibility, rather than to allow one to remain ignorant of
the matter (and, yes, there is a difference).

the reality of the matter is primary, and all that one thinks of it, or
however one formalizes it or describes it, is of secondary concern.

it doesn't matter so much that the world is very often described in terms
which are, FWIW, blatently incorrect (and if taken at face value could allow
interpretations which are terribly wrong). these broken abstractions,
however, work fairly well so long as one does not confuse them for the
underlying reality being described.

so, a programming language abstracts over the HW, but by no means does it
trivialize it, and a design may abstract over the specifics of an
implementation, but by no means does a design mitigate its implementation.

> Is a subtype hierarchy inheritance or not?

not really...

they are "related", but little is to say they are equivalent.

consider for example a conceptual numeric hierarchy:
vector space
hamilton space
complex space
real numbers
rational numbers
natural numbers
evens, odds
fractional numbers
irrational numbers
complex numbers
euclidean space

now, assuming one were to implement a numeric tower (value representations,
operations, ...).

would they likely choose inheritence to represent this tower: probably not.

in fact, it would likely lead to a very poor implementation if they were to
use inheritence. actually, a much better strategy would be to simply invert
the entire tree, and choose a different root point, such as integers, ... or
to not bother with trying to shoehorn the numeric tower into an inheritence

actually, it is at this point where I personally feel existing "OOP"
practice has often gotten things wrong, as these sorts of complicated trees
tend to be annoyingly common, with people naively thinking that a big
inheritence tree of this sort is itself simply the correct way to implement
these sort or taxonomies (rather than considering that, instead, a better
solution may have a multiple/many roots, or even be organized very
differently from the conceptual set of relationships).

> Most people consider that Java and Objective-C do not support MI
> because
> they do not support multiple subtype+subclass inheritance but still
> they
> do both support multiple subtype inheritance and to me coupled with
> delegation this is really MI.

it is not clear what is meant by this...

> Any clarification on that subject would be most welcome,
> Alexander