From: woiya on

I'm new with MATLAB so bear with me please. I was supposed to create a network of 25 nodes and I thought of using the function graphminspantree. I created the distance matrix for every node to each other.

However, the tree looks exactly the same every time I change the node R which supposed to change the root of the tree. Did I do something wrong?

this is how I call the function:
[ST,pred] = graphminspantree(UG,14,'Method','Kruskal');

But it still starts from node 1 in the final answer.

Also in the help section it says that:
When the graph is unconnected, Prim's algorithm returns only the tree that contains R, while Kruskal's algorithm returns an MST for every component.

Since I created the distance matrix for every node to each other, does it mean that the graph is all connected? If so, how do i unconnect the graph but still maintaining it as a possible path?

Thanks in advance!