From: Thierry Pirot on
Tamas K Papp writes:

> I am trying to rewrite GROUP from On Lisp without recursion (just as an
> exercise). My first attempt is below, I am wondering if there is a
> nicer (more idiomatic, etc) way to do it.
> (defun group (list n)
> "Return elements of LIST as a list of lists in groups of N."
> (check-type n (integer 1))
> (let (sublist
> result
> (i 0))
> (dolist (element list)
> (push element sublist)
> (incf i)
> (when (= i n)
> (push (nreverse sublist) result)
> (setf i 0
> sublist nil)))
> (assert (zerop i) () "~A could not be broken up to sublists of ~A elements" list n)
> (nreverse result)))
I think it's nicer to separate the functionalities,
such as MULTIPOP or SUBSEQ ;
and the ASSERT should stand alone and before the main computation.

(defun divides (divisor dividend)
(= 0 (mod dividend divisor)))

(defun group (a_sequence n)
(check-type n (integer 1))
(assert (divides n (length a_sequence)))
(loop for i to (1- (length a_sequence)) by n
collect (subseq a_sequence i (+ n i))))

(defmacro multipop (a_list_place multi)
"The list of MULTI elements popped from A_LIST_PLACE. "
`(loop repeat ,multi
collect (pop ,a_list_place)))

(defun group (a_list by_n)
(check-type by_n (integer 1))
(assert (divides by_n (length a_list)))
(loop while a_list
collect (multipop a_list by_n)))

But why make things simple when they can be made complicated and pedantic ?
I have had those parenthesis in my weapon box

(defun regroup (a_sequence &optional (test #'eql))
"The regroupment of adjacent A_SEQUENCE's elements verifying TEST two by two.
() -> (); (1) -> ((1)); (1 1) -> ((1 1)); (1 2) -> ((1) (2));
(1 2 2 3 3 3 1) -> ((1) (2 2) (3 3 3) (1)). "
(lambda (x r) ;r is a partial result, ie a list of regroupments.
(if (funcall test x (caar r))
(cons (cons x (car r)) (cdr r)) ;(1 1) -> ((1 1))
(cons (cons x () ) r ))) ;(1 2) -> ((1) (2))
:from-end t
:initial-value ())) ;indeed () is a list of 0 regroupment,
; while (()) is a list of 1 void regroupment.

and also

(defun cycled (period &key (offset 0))
"A closure predicating whether it is invoked for a multiple of PERIOD times.
OFFSET sets off the initially 0 number of calls.
(check-type period (integer 1))
(assert (< offset period))
(let ((times offset))
;; Invariant : times \in (1.. period) except
;; initially : times \in (offset .. period).
(lambda (&rest ^)
(declare (ignore ^))
(incf times) ;called once more.
(when (> times period) (setf times 1)) ;invariant broken restored.
(= times period)))) ;whether called period times.

[which can be used as
(let ((tricycled (cycled 3 :offset 2)))
(loop for (x y z) on '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0)
if (funcall tricycled)
collect (list x y z)))]

So, given REGROUP and CYCLED,

(defun group (a_list n)
(assert (divides n (length a_list)))
(regroup a_list (complement (cycled n :offset -1))))

If this migth be nicer
it would be because REGROUP solves a more general problem
in an clearer way than using the same method for GROUP'ing,
it does not mix the REGROUP'ing, the counting, the check.
Take it Easy Don't Hurry Be Happy
