From: Sprinceana on
Walter Roberson <roberson(a)> wrote in message <hrptmd$9t9$2(a)>...
> Sprinceana wrote:
> > Formule de luminance c'est I(x) = f(x/r) comment ecrire cette formule en
> > matlab ?
> Have you considered using rgb2gray() ? Perhaps in combination with im2double() ?

Sorry for posting in french but I thought that are also people in france on this forum.

No , I must use rgb2gray when converting to a grayscale image not im2double (sorry for posting in both languages).

I'm working on this project from this morning and I have problems of understanding in implementing the formula of luminance. Can someone help me please?

The full m file is attached on mediafire link!
From: ImageAnalyst on
Depending on what you mean by luminance (since that's not the correct
term for an image - see, you
can find a variety of formulas here:

Maybe you mean L, L*, V, Y, or I.....