From: Göran Andersson on
sahel wrote:
> hi , every body;
> [c sharp program] [console application]
> i want to write an easy program;
> if u have time plz write that code for me
> i want to write a program that it gets a number from user then save it
> in filestream
> i mean to see tahat number ever time that i want at that file
> i need a help

Your question is far too vague for anyone to give you a definitive
answer. I'll assume that you know how to create a console application
project and compile the code, so I'll give you some pointers on methods
that can be useful:

If you want to get input from the user you can use the Console.ReadLine

If you want to convert the input into a number, you can use the
Int32.Parse or Double.Parse methods, depending on what kind of number
you allow.

Using just a FileStream object to write to a file is a bit tricky, as it
only handles byte data, not text. You might want to use a StreamWriter
to do the text encoding for you to make it easy to write a string to the

To write a single string to a file, you might simply want to use the
File.WriteAllText method, which will open the file, encode your text,
write it to the file, and close the file for you.

G�ran Andersson