From: M Ladderman on
OK, I checked out the output ASHAPE generates and I think I am closer to what I need now, but not there yet, I want the rectangles so I can make a polygon from them as displayed in the output image. However I do not now which to use I am trying to figure it out but help would be appreciated thanks again!!

btw it seems as if ashape is working perfectly for my fish I just need to get the right perimeter data from it to use poly2mask on for my image. (a lot of thanks for this).

"M Ladderman" <mirresimons(a)> wrote in message <hpv00b$icj$1(a)>...
> Hi,
> Stupid me I tried lower alphas, which result of course in smaller structuring disks. Stupid sorry. So I got my alpha up and get a nice segmentation image from ashape, I want to use the x and y now to get them connected in the way ashape does it. In ashape my whole fish is enclosed by connected dots (by lines). But when I use plot there is still a part missing probably because the polygon plot draws is not the same as ashape displays?
> I hope this is more or less clear what I mean.
> Cheers
> ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <aa8ee488-d330-4ad2-97a3-7807707b857c(a)>...
> > Not from me - I haven't had a chance to return to looking at this.
> > Maybe if you've taken my code further, you can post it and us can help
> > us out (no pun intended)
From: M Ladderman on
btw I think I am looking for the nodes?

"M Ladderman" <mirresimons(a)> wrote in message <hpv00b$icj$1(a)>...
> Hi,
> Stupid me I tried lower alphas, which result of course in smaller structuring disks. Stupid sorry. So I got my alpha up and get a nice segmentation image from ashape, I want to use the x and y now to get them connected in the way ashape does it. In ashape my whole fish is enclosed by connected dots (by lines). But when I use plot there is still a part missing probably because the polygon plot draws is not the same as ashape displays?
> I hope this is more or less clear what I mean.
> Cheers
> ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <aa8ee488-d330-4ad2-97a3-7807707b857c(a)>...
> > Not from me - I haven't had a chance to return to looking at this.
> > Maybe if you've taken my code further, you can post it and us can help
> > us out (no pun intended)
From: ImageAnalyst on
Can you share your code?
From: M Ladderman on
of course this is it, the first part is to segment the fish out of a bigger image. Then later I apply ashape, not changed from your post, excpet the alpha which should be bigger to fill gaps, then I try to get the boundary from ashape but so far unscuccesfull, x and y are not the boundaries that is a problem. I can get it from there, but I would rather used the "nodes" from ashape. That is my question, I want to get the nodes from ashape. Thanks! will keep trying.

J = imread('_DSC5398.JPG');


I = imcrop(I,[a b c d]);
%figure, imshow(I), title('original image');
[pixelCountsG GLs] = imhist(I);
rows_to_remove = any(cutoffrgb >= max(peakLocmax), 2);
cutoffrgb(rows_to_remove,:) = [];

%rows_to_remove = any(peakLocmin >= 200, 2);
%peakLocmin(rows_to_remove,:) = [];
%I=medfilt2(I,[5 5]); %median filtering
%figure, imshow(I), title('after median filtering');
%BW = edge(I);
%thresholdValue = median(peakLocmin);

thresholdValuetop = max(cutoffrgb);

%binaryImage = (I > thresholdValue);
%figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
binaryImage2 = (I < thresholdValuetop);
%figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');

%binaryImagefinal = (binaryImage+binaryImage2-1);
%figure, imshow(binaryImagefinal), title('final');

%se = strel('disk',10);
%figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('imopen');
BWnobord = imclearborder(binaryImage2, 4);
%figure, imshow(BWnobord), title('no border');
se = strel('disk',10);
BWnobord = imopen(BWnobord,se);



boxx=boxx+[(a-100) (b-100) (0+100) (0+120)];

K = imcrop(J,boxx);
%figure, imshow(I);


binaryImage = (green > (medgreen+k*4));
%figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
binaryImage2 = (green < (medgreen-k*1.5));
%figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
binaryImagefinalgreen = (binaryImage+binaryImage2);
%figure, imshow(binaryImagefinalgreen), title('green');

binaryImage = (blue > (medblue+k*4));
%figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
binaryImage2 = (blue < (medblue-k*1.5));
%figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
binaryImagefinalblue = (binaryImage+binaryImage2);
%figure, imshow(binaryImagefinalblue), title('blue');

binaryImage = (red > (medred+k*4));
%figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
binaryImage2 = (red < (medred-k*1.5));
%figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
binaryImagefinalred = binaryImage2;
%figure, imshow(binaryImagefinalred), title('red');

zero=zeros([sizeBinary 5],'double');
FinalBinary=[FinalBinary zero];
figure, imshow(FinalBinary);
FinalBinary = imclearborder(FinalBinary, 26);
figure, imshow(FinalBinary);

se = strel('disk',5);
closeBW = imclose(FinalBinary,se);
figure, imshow(closeBW);

closeBW = imfill(closeBW, 'holes');
figure, imshow(closeBW);

se = strel('disk',3);
closeBW = imopen(closeBW,se);
figure, imshow(closeBW);

% Get the perimeter.
perimeterImage = bwperim(closeBW);
imshow(perimeterImage, []);

% Create a new axes for the alpha shapes result,
% since ashape() seems to want to automatically
% put results into the current axes object.
set(gca,'YDir','reverse') % Flip upside down.

[y, x] = find(perimeterImage);
aslibStructure = ashape(x, y, 170); % <- select your ALPHA...

% set(gca,'YDir','reverse') % Flip upside down.

plot(aslibStructure.cen, aslibStructure.seg);
axis 'equal';

ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <97544280-6cd7-467e-91b9-c0570b493f98(a)>...
> Can you share your code?
From: M Ladderman on

This is the picture from ASHAPE I get, so I want the coordinates of the red small rectangles. :), So I can draw a convex as in the picture, because this is perfectly fitting my fish.. woohoo :D

"M Ladderman" <mirresimons(a)> wrote in message <hpv7nt$hfo$1(a)>...
> of course this is it, the first part is to segment the fish out of a bigger image. Then later I apply ashape, not changed from your post, excpet the alpha which should be bigger to fill gaps, then I try to get the boundary from ashape but so far unscuccesfull, x and y are not the boundaries that is a problem. I can get it from there, but I would rather used the "nodes" from ashape. That is my question, I want to get the nodes from ashape. Thanks! will keep trying.
> J = imread('_DSC5398.JPG');
> red=J(:,:,1);
> green=J(:,:,2);
> blue=J(:,:,3);
> medred=median(median(red));
> medgreen=median(median(green));
> medblue=median(median(blue));
> I=(green+blue);
> a=500;
> b=900;
> c=3600;
> d=1200;
> I = imcrop(I,[a b c d]);
> %figure, imshow(I), title('original image');
> [pixelCountsG GLs] = imhist(I);
> pixelCountsG(256,:)=[];
> [peakLocmax]=peakfinder(pixelCountsG,std(pixelCountsG),1);
> cutoff=0.20*pixelCountsG(max(peakLocmax),:);
> cutoffrgb=find(pixelCountsG<cutoff);
> rows_to_remove = any(cutoffrgb >= max(peakLocmax), 2);
> cutoffrgb(rows_to_remove,:) = [];
> %[peakLocmin]=peakfinder(pixelCountsG,0.1*pixelCountsG(max(peakLocmax),:),-1);
> %rows_to_remove = any(peakLocmin >= 200, 2);
> %peakLocmin(rows_to_remove,:) = [];
> %imhist(I);
> %I=medfilt2(I,[5 5]); %median filtering
> %figure, imshow(I), title('after median filtering');
> %BW = edge(I);
> %imshow(BW);
> %thresholdValue = median(peakLocmin);
> thresholdValuetop = max(cutoffrgb);
> %binaryImage = (I > thresholdValue);
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
> binaryImage2 = (I < thresholdValuetop);
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
> %binaryImagefinal = (binaryImage+binaryImage2-1);
> %figure, imshow(binaryImagefinal), title('final');
> %se = strel('disk',10);
> %binaryImage2=imopen(binaryImage2,se);
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('imopen');
> BWnobord = imclearborder(binaryImage2, 4);
> %figure, imshow(BWnobord), title('no border');
> se = strel('disk',10);
> BWnobord = imopen(BWnobord,se);
> box=regionprops(double(BWnobord),'BoundingBox');
> boxx=round(cat(1,box.BoundingBox));
> length=regionprops(double(BWnobord),'MajorAxisLength');
> length=round(cat(1,length.MajorAxisLength));
> angle=regionprops(double(BWnobord),'Orientation');
> angle=abs(round(cat(1,angle.Orientation)));
> height=(1/4.5)*length+(sin(deg2rad(angle))*length);
> boxx(1,4)=height;
> boxx=boxx+[(a-100) (b-100) (0+100) (0+120)];
> K = imcrop(J,boxx);
> I=rgb2gray(K);
> red=K(:,:,1);
> green=K(:,:,2);
> blue=K(:,:,3);
> %I=green;
> %figure, imshow(I);
> k=20;
> binaryImage = (green > (medgreen+k*4));
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
> binaryImage2 = (green < (medgreen-k*1.5));
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
> binaryImagefinalgreen = (binaryImage+binaryImage2);
> %figure, imshow(binaryImagefinalgreen), title('green');
> binaryImage = (blue > (medblue+k*4));
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
> binaryImage2 = (blue < (medblue-k*1.5));
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
> binaryImagefinalblue = (binaryImage+binaryImage2);
> %figure, imshow(binaryImagefinalblue), title('blue');
> binaryImage = (red > (medred+k*4));
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage), title('>');
> binaryImage2 = (red < (medred-k*1.5));
> %figure, imshow(binaryImage2), title('<');
> binaryImagefinalred = binaryImage2;
> %figure, imshow(binaryImagefinalred), title('red');
> FinalBinary=binaryImagefinalgreen+binaryImagefinalblue+binaryImagefinalred;
> sizeBinary=size(FinalBinary);
> sizeBinary=sizeBinary(:,1);
> zero=zeros([sizeBinary 5],'double');
> FinalBinary=[FinalBinary zero];
> figure, imshow(FinalBinary);
> FinalBinary = imclearborder(FinalBinary, 26);
> figure, imshow(FinalBinary);
> se = strel('disk',5);
> closeBW = imclose(FinalBinary,se);
> figure, imshow(closeBW);
> closeBW = imfill(closeBW, 'holes');
> figure, imshow(closeBW);
> se = strel('disk',3);
> closeBW = imopen(closeBW,se);
> figure, imshow(closeBW);
> closeBW=im2bw(closeBW);
> % Get the perimeter.
> perimeterImage = bwperim(closeBW);
> subplot(2,2,2);
> imshow(perimeterImage, []);
> % Create a new axes for the alpha shapes result,
> % since ashape() seems to want to automatically
> % put results into the current axes object.
> subplot(2,2,3);
> set(gca,'YDir','reverse') % Flip upside down.
> [y, x] = find(perimeterImage);
> aslibStructure = ashape(x, y, 170); % <- select your ALPHA...
> subplot(2,2,4);
> % set(gca,'YDir','reverse') % Flip upside down.
> plot(aslibStructure.cen, aslibStructure.seg);
> axis 'equal';
> ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <97544280-6cd7-467e-91b9-c0570b493f98(a)>...
> > Can you share your code?
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