From: us on
"Jeremy Ho" <jeremyho87(a)> wrote in message <hrslpk$g4b$1(a)>...
> hi,
> i've dropped the image here. i think the link is as such.
> the admin password is: 4dugjpg6cm
> thanks in advanced!
> in fact, i've sent you an email this afternoon to 'imageanalyst(a)'

ok... as i told you earlier: some of the CSSMers cannot access this site through their firewalls... too bad...

From: Jeremy Ho on
if you view the other thread, i've actually uploaded the same photo in your google group. thanks!

From: ImageAnalyst on
On May 5, 5:49 pm, "us " <u...(a)> wrote:
> ok... as i told you earlier: some of the CSSMers cannot access this site through their firewalls... too bad...
> us
I wonder why they consider more nefarious than other sites
such as or, if indeed they do. has
actually been getting good praise and reviews across the board. I
wonder what the basis for blocking it is. Maybe it's the fact that
you can "drop" executables??? But then you can download executables
from lots of sites.

From: us on
"Jeremy Ho" <jeremyho87(a)> wrote in message <hrsqcd$ese$1(a)>...
> us,
> if you view the other thread, i've actually uploaded the same photo in your google group. thanks!
> J

hmmm... makes a good point for the evergreen: don't duplicate your posts...
i'll have a look at it...

From: Dan on

At the risk of turning a challenging problem into something mundane : Is there any chance of taking color pictures? That would make identifying the (now colored) dots trivial.
If not, you would have to make dots distinctive in some way.... which *might* be tricky.
In any event, it would be helpful to have the actual image with the real dots.


"Jeremy Ho" <jeremyho87(a)> wrote in message <hrsop8$25r$1(a)>...
> Hi there,
> The dots that I've mentioned are the 3 black dots on a piece of white paper that is on the left of the picture. You are right. Those dots are not part of the picture. I put them there as I could not manage to get any real pictures yet. However, in the real scenario, the white piece of paper will be connected to the spine by a means of a wire so it will be barely visible. As for the location of the dots, they will move. What i'm planning to do is compress the spine and after every compression (eg. 50N, 100N, 200N etc), I will take a picture. The program that I need to come up with has to detect the coordinates of these said dots and automatically transfer the data to an excel file. This will be done for Frame 1, 2, 3 and so on and then with the locations of the dots in each frame, I can then calculate the displacement.
> Problem is, I have never done MATLAB before and I really need help with the codes. Thanks!!
> Jeremy