From: Tejaswi gvs on
i am a final year engineering student.i have to convert pixel values into images using matlab as a part of my project.Can anyone guide me through the process?
From: ImageAnalyst on
An image is just a numerical array. So just create a numerical array
in MATLAB, such as
imageArray = zeros(480, 640)
and then start assigning pixel values. Let's say you want to assign
the pixel at row 123 and column 321 to be 255. Just do this:
imageArray(123, 321) = 255;
Repeat for all pixel values that you want to assign. You can then use
imshow() to display your image.
From: ram on
Sir, sorry for the delayed reply, your work was really fascinating,
but now our lecturer is demanding that we aren't supposed to zoom the
image deliberately but that the area seleted is to be displayed with a
better resolution than the pixels around it. (1)How can we identify
"seed pixel", (2)For example, if we are supposed to work on a
finger's x-ray, we should give an arbitary color to the bone
(3)Detect the edge between the bone and soft tissue (4) Sharpen the
edge (5) Highlight in such a way that the bone tissue is the
foreground while the soft tissue remains the back ground