From: Soukaina BENAMAR on
Pourriez vous m'expliquer ce Programme ( sur tous les commandes)
Merci d'avance
%% Vuvuzela Denoising using Parametric Equalizers
% Author: Charulatha Kalluri
% Copyright 2010 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% This example demonstrates how you can design parametric equalizer filters
% in MATLAB and use them to filter out vuvuzela sounds from an audio
% stream. This demo uses Signal Processing Toolbox, Filter Design Toolbox
% and Signal Processing Blockset.

%% Set up input data streams
% First, let us look at how we can create streaming inputs in MATLAB

% Create a System object to read from the audio file

% We need an input audio stream that can read data from a WAV file. To do
% this, we can use the MultimediaFileReader System object

hSound = signalblks.MultimediaFileReader('Vuvuzela.wav',...
'SamplesPerAudioFrame', 1024, ...
'AudioOutputDataType', 'double');

%Get the input sampling frequency
hInfo = info(hSound);
Fs = hInfo.AudioSampleRate;

%% Create a System object to play back audio to the sound card
hPlayer = signalblks.AudioPlayer('SampleRate', Fs);

%% Create a System object to write to an audio file
hOutputFile = signalblks.MultimediaFileWriter('with_then_without_vuvuzela.wav',...
'SampleRate', Fs);

%% Create System objects for logging pure noise and filtered output signals

hLogNoise = signalblks.SignalLogger;
hLogOutput = signalblks.SignalLogger;

%% Advance input audio by 5 seconds
% The first 5 seconds of the input do not contain any significant data,i.e,
% not even noise, so let’s advance the input by 5 seconds, i.e., about 100
% frames. (@Fs =22050Hz, 1024 samples per frame)

for frame_index=1:100

%% Extract the noise spectrum
%To obtain our “pure noise” signal, we use a 1-second portion of the
%signal, from 00:05 to 00:06 seconds, that has only the vuvuzela sound, but
%no speech. 1 second -> ~20 frames (@Fs=22050Hz, 1024 samples per frame)

for noise_frames = 1:20
noise = step(hSound);
step(hLogNoise, noise);

%% Plot noise spectrum and identify vuvuzela frequencies

pwelch(hLogNoise.Buffer, [], [], 8192, Fs);

%% Identify noise peaks

% Zoom into the plot above to identify the vuvuzela frequencies

% Noise peaks are observed at the following frequencies:
% 235Hz, 476Hz, 735Hz, 940Hz, 1180Hz

%% Designing the parametric equalizers
% Our next task is to design notch parametric equalizers that will
% selectively filter out these frequencies. Since the notch filters will
% also remove components of the speech signal at the above frequencies, we
% will apply a peak filter to boost the speech signal at the output of the
% notch filters.
% To design parametric equalizers, we need to specify filter order, center
% frequency, and the bandwidth or Q-factor of the filter. To determine the
% bandwidth or Q-factor of the filter, let’s take a closer look at the
% noise spectrum. At the lower frequeuncies (235Hz, 465Hz), we see that the
% peaks are sharp. At the higher frequencies, the noise peaks are spread
% across a wider band. So, for the notch filters at the lower frequencies,
% we specify a narrow stopband, i.e., a high Q, and for higher frequencies,
% we specify a wider stopband, i.e., a low Q.

%% Specifications for notch parametric equalizers

F01 = 235; F02 = 476; F03 = 735; F04 = 940; F05 = 1180;

N = 2; %Filter order
Gref = 0; %Reference gain
G0 = -20; %Attenuate by 20dB
Qa = 10; %Higher Q-factor for fundamental and 1st harmonic
Qb = 5; %Lower Q-factor for higher harmonics

f1 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F01,Qa,Gref,G0,Fs);
f2 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F02,Qa,Gref,G0,Fs);
f3 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F03,Qb,Gref,G0,Fs);
f4 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F04,Qb,Gref,G0,Fs);
f5 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F05,Qb,Gref,G0,Fs);

%% Specifications for peak parametric equalizer

N_peak = 8; %Use higher filter order for peak filter
F06 = 480; %Center frequency to boost
Qc = 0.5; %Use very low Q-factor for boost equalizer filter
G1 = 9; %Boost gain by 9dB

f6 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N_peak,F06,Qc,Gref,G1,Fs);

%% Design filters and visualize responses

Hp1 = design(f1, 'butter');
Hp2 = design(f2, 'butter');
Hp3 = design(f3, 'butter');
Hp4 = design(f4, 'butter');
Hp5 = design(f5, 'butter');
Hp6 = design(f6, 'butter');

hFV = fvtool([Hp1 Hp2 Hp3 Hp4 Hp5 Hp6], 'Color', 'white');
legend(hFV,'NotchEQ #1', 'NotchEQ #2', 'NotchEQ #3', 'NotchEQ #4','NotchEQ #5','Peak EQ');

%% Implement filters using second-order sections

hEQ1 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp1.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp1.ScaleValues);
hEQ2 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp2.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp2.ScaleValues);
hEQ3 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp3.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp3.ScaleValues);
hEQ4 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp4.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp4.ScaleValues);
hEQ5 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp5.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp5.ScaleValues);
hEQ6 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp6.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp6.ScaleValues);

%% Stream processing loop to filter out vuvuzela noise

%Note: To process the entire data,use a while loop instead of a for loop
%while (~isDone(hSound))

%Filter 400 frames of input data
for frames = 1:400
%Step through input WAV file one frame at a time
input = step(hSound);

%Apply notch EQ filters first, then peak EQ filter
out1 = step(hEQ1, input);
out2 = step(hEQ2, out1);
out3 = step(hEQ3, out2);
out4 = step(hEQ4, out3);
out5 = step(hEQ5, out4);
denoised_sig = step(hEQ6, out5);

%Play 200 frames of input signal, then 200 frames of filtered output
%to compare original and filtered signals
%Log the audio output to a WAV file
if frames < 200
step(hPlayer, input);
step(hOutputFile, input);
step(hPlayer, denoised_sig);
step(hOutputFile, denoised_sig);

%Log filtered output to buffer
step(hLogOutput, denoised_sig);

%% Plot filtered signal spectrum

% Here&#8217;s the power spectrum of the filtered signal. If you zoom into the
% plot, you can see that the vuvuzela frequencies have been attenuated by
% our notch equalizer filters:
figure; pwelch(hLogOutput.Buffer, [], [], 8192, Fs);

%% Cleanup

%Close input and output stream System objects

From: Charulatha Kalluri on
Hello Soukaina,

It sounds like you're looking for more detailed information on how System objects work.

I recommend that you watch the following webinar recording, which introduces System objects, and uses these objects to develop an audio filtering example. The concepts are the same as the vuvuzela demo, it's just that the filtering methods are different.

For details on each System objects and its parameters, please refer to the documentation pages:

Let me know if you have any other questions, and I will be happy to help you out.


"Soukaina BENAMAR" <soukainabenamar5(a)> wrote in message <i14qgr$dju$1(a)>...
> Bonjour,
> Pourriez vous m'expliquer ce Programme ( sur tous les commandes)
> Merci d'avance
> %% Vuvuzela Denoising using Parametric Equalizers
> %
> % Author: Charulatha Kalluri
> %
> % Copyright 2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
> %
> %% Introduction
> %
> % This example demonstrates how you can design parametric equalizer filters
> % in MATLAB and use them to filter out vuvuzela sounds from an audio
> % stream. This demo uses Signal Processing Toolbox, Filter Design Toolbox
> % and Signal Processing Blockset.
> %% Set up input data streams
> % First, let us look at how we can create streaming inputs in MATLAB
> % Create a System object to read from the audio file
> % We need an input audio stream that can read data from a WAV file. To do
> % this, we can use the MultimediaFileReader System object
> hSound = signalblks.MultimediaFileReader('Vuvuzela.wav',...
> 'SamplesPerAudioFrame', 1024, ...
> 'AudioOutputDataType', 'double');
> %Get the input sampling frequency
> hInfo = info(hSound);
> Fs = hInfo.AudioSampleRate;
> %% Create a System object to play back audio to the sound card
> hPlayer = signalblks.AudioPlayer('SampleRate', Fs);
> %% Create a System object to write to an audio file
> hOutputFile = signalblks.MultimediaFileWriter('with_then_without_vuvuzela.wav',...
> 'SampleRate', Fs);
> %% Create System objects for logging pure noise and filtered output signals
> hLogNoise = signalblks.SignalLogger;
> hLogOutput = signalblks.SignalLogger;
> %% Advance input audio by 5 seconds
> % The first 5 seconds of the input do not contain any significant data,i.e,
> % not even noise, so let&#8217;s advance the input by 5 seconds, i.e., about 100
> % frames. (@Fs =22050Hz, 1024 samples per frame)
> for frame_index=1:100
> step(hSound);
> end
> %% Extract the noise spectrum
> %To obtain our &#8220;pure noise&#8221; signal, we use a 1-second portion of the
> %signal, from 00:05 to 00:06 seconds, that has only the vuvuzela sound, but
> %no speech. 1 second -> ~20 frames (@Fs=22050Hz, 1024 samples per frame)
> for noise_frames = 1:20
> noise = step(hSound);
> step(hLogNoise, noise);
> end
> %% Plot noise spectrum and identify vuvuzela frequencies
> pwelch(hLogNoise.Buffer, [], [], 8192, Fs);
> set(gcf,'Color','white');
> %% Identify noise peaks
> % Zoom into the plot above to identify the vuvuzela frequencies
> openfig('noise_peaks.fig');
> % Noise peaks are observed at the following frequencies:
> % 235Hz, 476Hz, 735Hz, 940Hz, 1180Hz
> %% Designing the parametric equalizers
> % Our next task is to design notch parametric equalizers that will
> % selectively filter out these frequencies. Since the notch filters will
> % also remove components of the speech signal at the above frequencies, we
> % will apply a peak filter to boost the speech signal at the output of the
> % notch filters.
> %
> % To design parametric equalizers, we need to specify filter order, center
> % frequency, and the bandwidth or Q-factor of the filter. To determine the
> % bandwidth or Q-factor of the filter, let&#8217;s take a closer look at the
> % noise spectrum. At the lower frequeuncies (235Hz, 465Hz), we see that the
> % peaks are sharp. At the higher frequencies, the noise peaks are spread
> % across a wider band. So, for the notch filters at the lower frequencies,
> % we specify a narrow stopband, i.e., a high Q, and for higher frequencies,
> % we specify a wider stopband, i.e., a low Q.
> %% Specifications for notch parametric equalizers
> F01 = 235; F02 = 476; F03 = 735; F04 = 940; F05 = 1180;
> N = 2; %Filter order
> Gref = 0; %Reference gain
> G0 = -20; %Attenuate by 20dB
> Qa = 10; %Higher Q-factor for fundamental and 1st harmonic
> Qb = 5; %Lower Q-factor for higher harmonics
> f1 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F01,Qa,Gref,G0,Fs);
> f2 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F02,Qa,Gref,G0,Fs);
> f3 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F03,Qb,Gref,G0,Fs);
> f4 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F04,Qb,Gref,G0,Fs);
> f5 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N,F05,Qb,Gref,G0,Fs);
> %% Specifications for peak parametric equalizer
> N_peak = 8; %Use higher filter order for peak filter
> F06 = 480; %Center frequency to boost
> Qc = 0.5; %Use very low Q-factor for boost equalizer filter
> G1 = 9; %Boost gain by 9dB
> f6 = fdesign.parameq('N,F0,Qa,Gref,G0',N_peak,F06,Qc,Gref,G1,Fs);
> %% Design filters and visualize responses
> Hp1 = design(f1, 'butter');
> Hp2 = design(f2, 'butter');
> Hp3 = design(f3, 'butter');
> Hp4 = design(f4, 'butter');
> Hp5 = design(f5, 'butter');
> Hp6 = design(f6, 'butter');
> hFV = fvtool([Hp1 Hp2 Hp3 Hp4 Hp5 Hp6], 'Color', 'white');
> legend(hFV,'NotchEQ #1', 'NotchEQ #2', 'NotchEQ #3', 'NotchEQ #4','NotchEQ #5','Peak EQ');
> %% Implement filters using second-order sections
> hEQ1 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp1.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp1.ScaleValues);
> hEQ2 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp2.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp2.ScaleValues);
> hEQ3 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp3.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp3.ScaleValues);
> hEQ4 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp4.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp4.ScaleValues);
> hEQ5 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp5.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp5.ScaleValues);
> hEQ6 = signalblks.BiquadFilter('SOSMatrix',Hp6.sosMatrix,'ScaleValues',Hp6.ScaleValues);
> %% Stream processing loop to filter out vuvuzela noise
> %Note: To process the entire data,use a while loop instead of a for loop
> %while (~isDone(hSound))
> %Filter 400 frames of input data
> for frames = 1:400
> %Step through input WAV file one frame at a time
> input = step(hSound);
> %Apply notch EQ filters first, then peak EQ filter
> out1 = step(hEQ1, input);
> out2 = step(hEQ2, out1);
> out3 = step(hEQ3, out2);
> out4 = step(hEQ4, out3);
> out5 = step(hEQ5, out4);
> denoised_sig = step(hEQ6, out5);
> %Play 200 frames of input signal, then 200 frames of filtered output
> %to compare original and filtered signals
> %Log the audio output to a WAV file
> if frames < 200
> step(hPlayer, input);
> step(hOutputFile, input);
> else
> step(hPlayer, denoised_sig);
> step(hOutputFile, denoised_sig);
> end
> %Log filtered output to buffer
> step(hLogOutput, denoised_sig);
> end
> %% Plot filtered signal spectrum
> % Here&#8217;s the power spectrum of the filtered signal. If you zoom into the
> % plot, you can see that the vuvuzela frequencies have been attenuated by
> % our notch equalizer filters:
> figure; pwelch(hLogOutput.Buffer, [], [], 8192, Fs);
> set(gcf,'Color','white');
> %% Cleanup
> %Close input and output stream System objects
> close(hSound);
> close(hPlayer);
> close(hOutputFile);
From: Steven Lord on

"Soukaina BENAMAR" <soukainabenamar5(a)> wrote in message
> Bonjour, Pourriez vous m'expliquer ce Programme ( sur tous les commandes)
> Merci d'avance


First, please do not copy a file from the File Exchange into your posting.
Just include a link to the file.

or perhaps:

Second, the comments in the code explain in general what each section of the
code does; if you still need further help understanding a specific section,
take a look at the help text and/or documentation for the function or
functions you don't understand. For example, to learn what the SIN function
does, you would execute one or both of the following commands at the MATLAB

help sin

doc sin

After reading through the comments in the code, the help text, and the
documentation if you have a SPECIFIC question about what the code is doing,
then go ahead and ask that SPECIFIC question here.

Steve Lord
comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:
To contact Technical Support use the Contact Us link on

From: Soukaina BENAMAR on
Hello charulatha,
thank you for your answer . i will see now the websites ^_^
Thank you a lot
From: Soukaina BENAMAR on
I don't understand the role of functions such as : fdesign.parameq, also signalblks.MultimediaFileReade!!!

"Steven Lord" <slord(a)> wrote in message <i154d7$rd$1(a)>...
> "Soukaina BENAMAR" <soukainabenamar5(a)> wrote in message
> news:i14qgr$dju$1(a)
> > Bonjour, Pourriez vous m'expliquer ce Programme ( sur tous les commandes)
> > Merci d'avance
> *snip*
> First, please do not copy a file from the File Exchange into your posting.
> Just include a link to the file.
> or perhaps:
> Second, the comments in the code explain in general what each section of the
> code does; if you still need further help understanding a specific section,
> take a look at the help text and/or documentation for the function or
> functions you don't understand. For example, to learn what the SIN function
> does, you would execute one or both of the following commands at the MATLAB
> prompt:
> help sin
> doc sin
> After reading through the comments in the code, the help text, and the
> documentation if you have a SPECIFIC question about what the code is doing,
> then go ahead and ask that SPECIFIC question here.
> --
> Steve Lord
> slord(a)
> comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM) FAQ:
> To contact Technical Support use the Contact Us link on
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