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From: singo on 6 Mar 2010 16:38 mxcsiiodjc askkxd dxjx j ksjuaskakcj PvdG42 wrote: Re: how to fix There is a problem with this website's security certificate 15-Aug-09 How to fix what? Is this a site/page that you have developed and deployed to a server? If so, what tools/techniques did you use to create the security certificate? I am asking you for more information because you have posted your question in a .NET programming discussion group. If you are seeing this while just using IE as your web browser, you should post your question to an IE discussion group, like: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general Previous Posts In This Thread: On Saturday, August 15, 2009 5:14 AM memo wrote: how to fix There is a problem with this website's security certificate There is a problem with this website's security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address. Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website. Click here to close this webpage. Continue to this website (not recommended). More information If you arrived at this page by clicking a link, check the website address in the address bar to be sure that it is the address you were expecting. When going to a website with an address such as, try adding the 'www' to the address, If you choose to ignore this error and continue, do not enter private information into the website. For more information, see "Certificate Errors" in Internet Explorer Help. Thanks! advance! On Saturday, August 15, 2009 3:57 PM PvdG42 wrote: Re: how to fix There is a problem with this website's security certificate How to fix what? Is this a site/page that you have developed and deployed to a server? If so, what tools/techniques did you use to create the security certificate? I am asking you for more information because you have posted your question in a .NET programming discussion group. If you are seeing this while just using IE as your web browser, you should post your question to an IE discussion group, like: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice Join Lists with LINQ - SharePoint 2010
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