From: Chris Hare on
Here is the situation:

I have a window with a bunch of widgets in it. I want to clear the objects in a given frame and recreate them to update them.

The example below destroys the top level frame, and so I can't recreate the widgets. I am likely doing this wrong.
should I be doing this in a class?

Thanks for the help.

from Tkinter import *

def createLeftWidgets(left):
# Add the Net Status Section
conditions = LabelFrame(left, text="Net Conditions",bg="Gray")
button = Button(conditions, text="Refresh", command=refreshNetConditions, highlightbackground="Green")
button.grid(row=0,column=1, sticky=E)
cText = Text(conditions,bg="Gray")
cText.insert(END, root.netHistory.get())
status = LabelFrame(left, text="Net Details",bg="Gray")
lblNetNumber = Label(status, text="Net Number")
lblNetNumber.grid( row=19, column=0, columnspan=2,sticky=W)
def refreshNetConditions():
global frameLeft
root.netHistory.set( "inserting text\n" + root.netHistory.get())

root = Tk()
root.netHistory = StringVar()
root.netHistory.set("goes into the text widget")
frame = Frame(root)
frameLeft = createLeftWidgets(frame)


From: rantingrick on
On Aug 1, 7:12 pm, Chris Hare <ch...(a)> wrote:
> Here is the situation:
> I have a window with a bunch of widgets in it.  I want to clear the objects in a given frame and recreate them to update them.  

You need to check out the "w.update" and "w.update_idletasks" methods
available on all Tkinter widgets. Just FYI: to remove a widget from
view without destroying it use "w.pack_forget" or "w.grid_forget".
However if you are simply trying to refresh a widget use one of the
update methods.
From: Chris Hare on

On Aug 1, 2010, at 10:13 PM, rantingrick wrote:

> On Aug 1, 7:12 pm, Chris Hare <ch...(a)> wrote:
>> Here is the situation:
>> I have a window with a bunch of widgets in it. I want to clear the objects in a given frame and recreate them to update them.
> You need to check out the "w.update" and "w.update_idletasks" methods
> available on all Tkinter widgets. Just FYI: to remove a widget from
> view without destroying it use "w.pack_forget" or "w.grid_forget".
> However if you are simply trying to refresh a widget use one of the
> update methods.
> --

I will have a look at those. Consider a frame with a label and a button. How do I address the label to change it from another function in the class?

From: Mark Lawrence on
On 02/08/2010 04:13, rantingrick wrote:
> On Aug 1, 7:12 pm, Chris Hare<ch...(a)> wrote:
>> Here is the situation:
>> I have a window with a bunch of widgets in it. I want to clear the objects in a given frame and recreate them to update them.
> You need to check out the "w.update" and "w.update_idletasks" methods
> available on all Tkinter widgets. Just FYI: to remove a widget from
> view without destroying it use "w.pack_forget" or "w.grid_forget".
> However if you are simply trying to refresh a widget use one of the
> update methods.

I don't understand the technical content of this thread, but I'm very
pleased to see rantingrick being positive, well done!!! :) I know that
we've crossed swords in the past but believe that bygones should be
bygones. Can we call it quits and help to take Python forward?

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.